
17 1 0

bachira- bee
chigri- pretty princess
kunigami- ichigo dupe
reo- wild kratt
nagi- pandabear
rin- rin
sae- sae
shindo- zest

wild Kratt:  yall take forever to get to the bus omg
Ichigo DUPE fr - shush
pretty princess -  mind you beast boy was the first one at the door
bee: naah wild kratt right though
rin: you legit ran to the bus aint nobody ask for your opinion
aiku: anyone got a charger
isagibear: yes and you not using it
isgaibear: you probably tryna get head
bee: ong
aiku: suck my dick both of yall fr
isagibear: bitch, aint nobody sucking that shriveled up dick
rin: that's crazy
pretty princess: i know "WHo sAiD I cAnT WeAR mY coNcoNverSE wItH mY dReSs" ain't taking about that's crazy
pretty princess: what you need is some bitches
rin: i have bitches been had them check twitter ask your friend
pretty princess: OH WHO
wild kratt🦎:  chigiri it's isagi
isagibear: we exposing people now🤔
isgaibear: chigiri and kunigami were seen together, reo and nagi been dating
pretty princess: now.. how you know bout us😮
isagibear: me and ego san are besties🤭
isagibear: y'all make so obvious too it's kinda crazy
bee: lucky
zesty: emo where's your brother
rin: idk find him? tag him be smart
zesty: thanks great help

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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