Ch. 13: Outing

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She could not believe what just happened. He had just left, but she had not left the position from which she was standing. She felt faint and was surprised she hadn't fallen over.

Oh, there we go.

She collapsed face first onto her bed, grabbed her pillow, and screamed into it as loud as she could, wearing out her throat in the process.

Seriously, what the hell happened?!?!

She could not believe... really any of her senses. What changed?

Could we... actually be friends? I mean, I don't think we're friends right now but there could be a chance, right?

She felt slighted by the fact that she felt that she had been relegated to a metaphorical generic love interest. She was still THE Kokomi Teruhashi after all. But then again, how can you be a love interest if it's unrequited? She didn't know him well enough to love him just yet, but she really liked what she saw under all the walls and prickly thorns.

If he wasn't such a tsundere then this wouldn't be happening, she complained.

Even though she noticed his expressions change, she did not expect something so world shattering. She would try not to think about it too much and enjoy the moments she did get with him. She couldn't wait to see him again, of course, but she decided she would leave him alone for a bit to respect his boundaries.

She smiled warmly. She saw him have what she was sure was genuine concern for her. She had even caught him staring at her. She wished she was a normal person more than ever now.

Is this what they experience when they spend time with their crush?

Her smile faded. If only she had realized how badly she wanted this earlier. She was only 17, but she was wrapped so tightly in her persona she feared that it could never be undone. But she had to try. It was pretty stupid and uncharacteristic of her to want to follow a guy wherever he went, but somehow he had changed her so much that she herself couldn't believe it. She had never felt so vulnerable. As much as it scared her, she felt more liberated than ever.

Stupid boy. You shouldn't have given me a chance, given me hope. You'll regret this.

Saiki sat at his desk with his trademark scowl. He had gone and done it again. He had said something out of character and was now regretting it. She was going to follow him around more than ever now. That said, he didn't hate being around her. Her presence was more tolerable than everyone else in his life save his mother.

Even though she had changed so much, she still somehow felt true to herself. He hadn't detected a hint of malice or duplicitousness the entire time they were together. She was very brave for subjecting herself to such scrutiny. She had spent her entire life with only one safe haven, and he made that completely irrelevant. Given the gravity of that concept, it felt so... easy for her to cast aside her mask. Why? He would be horrified if somebody could read his mind. He would mark that down on the ever-growing list of things he didn't understand about people that were not himself. He was annoyed that he let his guard down too. He chuckled.

If I'm not careful, I might change too.

Thankfully his parents were out on a date, so they weren't around to cause trouble for him. He may or may not have given them a little push that way to get them out of the house. Just another day in the life of a psychic.

Now, what would he do for the rest of the day? He hadn't played Monster Hunter in a bit, so he was excited to get back to that. But first, coffee jelly. He hadn't had dessert at the restaurant, so it was only right that he have it now. Nothing they had at that place would have held a candle to coffee jelly anyway. It had only been a few days since he last had the stuff, but he was more than suffering from the withdrawal. He took some out of the fridge and sat down to eat it.

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