chapter 15

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Nialls pov

She stabbed herself. I was just standing there in shock. But then i realized that she had just stabbed herself. I got my phine out of my pocket and marked 911.

"Hello whats your emergency " the lady said.

"Umm my friend stabbed Herself" i said.

"Ok sir we are tracking the call" she said then she hanged up. I started hearing sirens.

"Why....omy god what happen to her" louis said he was about to cry but i just still in shock.

"Sh...e stab...bed her self louis " i said."O MY GOD LOUIS SHE JUST STABBED HER SELF" i screamed and started sobbing. The ambulance doctors came in and picked her up.

"Only one person could get in the ambulance" the doctor said and i raised my hand abd got on the ambulance.

"How is she doing " i asked.

"She lost a lot of blood she is probably going to need blood donation and surgery on her stomach but the surgery could be fatal sir" the doctor said.

We got off of the ambulance and they took her straight to the surgery room.

5Hours later,

Me and the lads been crying since they put her in surgery i told them it could be fatal then the doctor came.

"Hello im here to tell you the news about the surgery ummm im here to inform you that.....

Hey berries cliffhanger. I know that is kind of short but its the im still writing a nother story called save by louis Tomlinson you should read it ..

Alexis xxx

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