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-next morning-

netx morning seungmin was the one to wake up first. his head was still on girls stomach. he felt comfortable, very comfortable. he wanted to stay like this longer, but the girl started to wake up. as soon as she opened her eyes, she looked down and saw seungmin on her belly. she slid her fingers thru his hair and started playing with it. seungmin smiled and lifted his head to look at the girl. they both smiled at eachother. boy got up and layd next to soyeon, wrapping his arms around her, hiding his face in girls chest. girl once more slid her fingers thru his hair, playing with it, her other hand rested on his back.
"please, lets stay like this for a bit"-seungmin.
girl just hummed. they were in this position, in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes untill girl broke it.
"minnie, we should get up, I'm kinda hungry"-soyeon.
"mhhh, okay"-seungmin said in his husky voise. soyeon felt buterflys in her stomach.
   they both got up and walked down to the kitchen.
"I'll cook for you, you go wit for me"-seungmin.
"okayyy, thank youuu"-soyeon said as she hugged seungmin.
"YEONIEE, COMEE EATTT"-seungmin screamed from the kitchen. girl rushed to the kitchen and sat next to seungmin and started eating.
"do you want to watch movie tonight?"-seungmin.
"yes, why not"-soyeon.
"we should watch horror"-seungmin.
"uh yea okay"-soyeon.

-later that night-

they both sat on the couch, watching horror movie. seungmin took a few galances at girl and noticed that she was too scared. she was hugging a pollow.
"come here"-seungmin said as he opened his arms. she stood up and walked to him. he held her wrist and pulled her to the space between her legs. her back attached to his chest. seungmins arms wrapped around her waist.
"tell me if you'll be uncomfortable. and don't hesitate to hug me if you'll get scared more"-seungmin.
"and if you're sleepy, sleep, I'll carry you to my room. you can sleep alone if you want"-seungmin.
"no, I'll sleep with you"-soyeon.
"but why tho, aren't you scared that i will do something?"-seungmin.
"because of how you make me feel minnie. I haven't felt this warmth before and you changed that. I trust you with my whole heart."-soyeon.
"thank you for trusting me"-seungmin.
soyeon was about to say something when jumpscare part came. she just screamed and hid her face in seungmins chest, her arms around his neck. seungmin just giggled and hugged her back.
"It's okay, I'm here."-seungmin said, rubbing her back.
   few minutes later girl fell asleep. when sungmin noticed he smiled and moved strand of her hair behind her ear.
"cute"-he whispered.
   he reached for the remote, carefuly, bot wanting to wake girl up. he turned the tv off and picked girl up in bridgal style. he carried her to his room and tucked her in his bed. he changed into his pjs and laid next to her, cuddling her.
*I love you so much, but I'm scared to tell you*-he thought. he fell asleep cuddling soyeon...

"Coincidence" kim seungmin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now