Preview: Meet Mecha...REESE?!

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All of a sudden, the Super Duper Computer rang as the gang walked over to it as it buzzed in Whyatt's pocket. He picked it up, and answered with "You've reached the Mecha Readers. Whyatt here. State your Super Big Problem."

"Hold on, let me put it to video." On the other line was someone the gang wasn't expecting to see, "Hi, guys! I really need your help!" "Princess Reese!" The Readers greeted as they saw one of their very best friends from the classic story The Princess Who Loved Mud. "Princess Reese, what's wrong?" Pea asked as she saw an oven overloaded with mud, with a red button being pushed down by some of it. "Well..." Reese said as she started to sing...

Reese: 🎶 I was going to make some mud pies for all of us to share.
Until, one of the pies flew up into the air!
It landed onto that button, and I was unprepared.
Now there's lots of mud pies splattering out everywhere! 🎶

"And plus, some of the mud that's spilling also jammed the green 'bake' button on my oven, so..." Reese added as she went into dramatic mode, "NOW MY PROBLEM IS REALLY GETTING OUT OF HAND!" "Don't worry, Reese." Red reassured her, "We're on our way."

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