♠️🔥falling inlove under flashing flighs🔥♠️

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As I said last time I'm horrible at fluff and this is fluff I hate my writing it's miserable I know I just don't wanna hear it from you I don't enjoy being bullied thanks

Quackity set in a corner of a party he got dragged to that he wanted no part in the flashing lights gave him a migrane, the smell of alcohol and sweat made him wanna puke, and all the people doing drugs disgusted him

So he did what he did best and drowned himself into the contents of his phones taking a sip of his fruit punch every few minutes soon he ran out though and it was way to damn hot in that house for him to not get more

He locked his phone standing up and putting it in his pocket grabbing his red solo cup that had 《♤Quackity♤》 written across it

He walked over to the table all the drinks were at and filled his cup with punch that he was hoping hadn't been spiked since he last got some he turned around unlocking his phone and opening a text beginning to walk back to the seat in the corner

He feels a hand on his shoulder stopping him making him sigh and turn around seeing Sapnap the boy that shoved him into lockers and pushed him down the mat few steps the boy that teased him and made a fool out of him the most handsome boy in the world that Quackity wanted to tell to shut up and just kiss him

"Hey Quacks" the boy says with a false petty smile "funny seeing you here" he says "shame seeing you here" Quackity says pushing Sapnaps hand off his shoulder "awe don't be like that" Sapnap says "be like what? Sorry is being a dick just a one way thing your aloud to be an absolute asshole to me but I better not dare be rude to you?" Quackity asks in a sarcastic tone

"Your fiesty tonight it's so cute" Sapnap says Quackity can feel his cheeks heat up at that comment thank God the lights around him were red "I love this song we should go dance shouldn't we? Could I have the honor of dancing with you?" Sapnap asks in quite the sweet tone

Quackity felt like a fool to be drawn in by this request but he wanted to dance with him very badly "yeah um sure we can dance" Quackity hesitantly says as Sapnap grabs his hand dragging him to where everyone was dancing the song became clearer to Quackity it was Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard coming from the loud speaker

Sapnap had realized it wasn't a much of a dancing song and had instead grabbed both of Quackitys hands pulling him close and singing it out loud making Quackity smile and begin singing it with him they gradually got louder and louder until they were practically screaming making them both erupt in laughter

Whispers begun throughout the party they could feel stares and they didn't care they screamed until the song was over One day by Tate McRae begin playing and neither could be bothered to sing it Sapnap let's go of one of Quackitys hand and drags him into the backyard where no one was sitting down on some patio furniture Quackity did the same

"That was fun" Quackity giggled "I agree" Sapnap says looking at him with a smile Quackity lays his head on Sapnaps shoulder and Sapnap wraps his arm around Quackity "I think your really pretty" Sapnap says "really?" Quackity asks

"No you idiot" Sapnap says pushing away Quackity "but you did just earn me 60 bucks for flirting with you thanks dumbass" Sapnap says standing up and walking back into the house making Quackitys eyes begin to water

"Quackity?" Sapnap asks lightly shaking Quackity "hey hey hey are you crying what's wrong" Sapnap asks wiping the tears from Quackitys cheeks "s...sorry" Quackity stutters out "that's okay it was just random you spaced out and started crying" Sapnap says "yeah that happens" Quackity says

"What were you thinking about?" Sapnap asks moving Quackitys hair out of his face and behind his ear "I- Sapnap why are you doing this?" Quackity asks and Sapnap sighs knowing what he meant "I like you like alot and don't really know how to express that and I thought maybe teasing you and messing with you would make you pay attention to me but it went to far and my friends caught on and it got out of control I'm sorry" Sapnap says

Quackity leans forward hugging him "it's okay I get it" Quackity says and Sapnap returns the hug "it's getting late would you like me to walk you home?" Sapnap asks "sure" Quackity says standing up Sapnap does the same and they walk inside then out the front door

"Your not gonna keep being a dick to me right?" Quackity asks holding Sapnaps hand "nah now that you know I'm into you I have no need to beg for your attention" Sapnap giggles and Quackity does the same "it's kinda cold" Quackity says shivering Sapnap stops and takes off his jacket giving it to Quackity who puts it on without hesitation

"Thank you" Quackity says grabbing Sapnaps hand again and walking "no problem" Sapnap says spinning Quackity as they walk making him giggle "how fars your house?" Sapnap asks "like 3 minutes from here" Quackity says "okay" Sapnap says

They approach Quackitys house walking to the porch "here" Quackity says going to take off the jacket "keep it its yours" Sapnap says "oh okay" Quackity smiles and Sapnap sets his hands on Quackitys waist making him set his hands on Sapnaps chest "I'll see you Monday?" Sapnap asks "mhm" Quackity hums in response

Sapnap brings his face down to Quackitys "can I um can I kiss you?" Sapnap asks "yeah" Quackity answers and the gap between them closes
Take this or I'll shove it down your throat until you choke I'm not ever gonna get better at fluff because angst is my main genre also this is my practice book so these are gonna be bad okay hope you enjoyed or you hated it either way thanks for reading love yall have an amazing day/night or don't whatever you want I don't know maybe you like having bad days

Words- 1078


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