🔥♠️unlikely love♠️🔥

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I'll start here I'm not good at fluff and this is fluff so please don't bully me okay I know I know I hate my writing to I just don't wanna hear it from you

He swims through the water his orange and yellow tail making it much faster than it would be for a human to swim his medium length raven colored hair flowing behind him Sapnap that's his name Sapnap the siren he knows late night is the time he'll find the dumbest humans he swims closer to the shore beginning to sing his siren song it almost sounds like an eerie child's lullaby that's what Quackity thinks atleast as he hears the song from a distance he walks closer to the water

Sapnap peeks his head out of the water as he gets to shore seeing Quackity he smiles at the sight of the man dumb yet gorgeous an easy target he swims right up to the shore Quackity staring at him in astonishment though he hasn't seen a tail he can put together the being near his feet is a siren

"Well aren't you a pretty little human" Sapnap smirks making Quackitys cheeks flush a bit "come into the water with me why don't you? I won't let you drown promise" Sapnap says Quackitys expression changing into a concerned one "I feel like your lying" Quackity says and Sapnap sticks his hand from the water holding his pinky out "pinky promise?" Sapnap asks and Quackity pushes away his hand

"Not as dumb as I thought" Sapnap says rolling his eyes "that'd be because I'm a mermaid hunter you idiot" Quackity says "but you haven't hurt me yet" Sapnap says "who said I wanted to hurt you it's a family thing" Quackity says "but if you stay here any longer you'll get hurt by someone else" he says squatting so he's closer to the siren

"I think maybe I'll take that risk" Sapnap says admiring the boy infront of him "I don't see why" Quackity says "your to pretty to swim away from" Sapnap giggles

They had ended up sitting by the bay talking for hours yet the sun had begun to rise and it was far to dangerous for Sapnap to be seen and Quackity to be seen with a siren that wasn't dead in his arms

"Here take this" Quackity says taking a ring off of his finger and holding it out to the siren who takes it gratefully slipping it on his fingers "I'll see you tonight?" Sapnap asks "maybe" Quackity says "well I'll be waiting" Sapnap says leaning up to Quackitys face and lightly kissing his cheek slipping back into the water and swimming away

"Quackity!" His father shouts from the house he let's out a sigh standing up and walking into the home "yes?" He asks "we're going fishing get the boat ready" his father said "okay" Quackity sighs walking outside to the dock and checking the boat for any issues he found none in particular he walks back inside with a yawn "it's ready" he says his father walks out and he follows

They both get onto the boat Quackity leans over untying it from the dock and sitting down closing his eyes yawning again as they get deeper into the ocean he doses off nearing sleep until he hears the same song from last night his eyes shoot open knowing it was Sapnap "siren!" His father shouts

Quackity could care less what his father was saying he quickly stood leaning over the boat so once Sapnap swam near he knew it was Quackity meaning mermaid hunter and would steer clear though Sapnap sees him he doesn't steer clear he does the opposite infact smirking as his song gets louder and he gets closer

"Get him!" His father shouts at Quackity who was not listening he was far to distracted by Sapnap and his song his father had figured this and gave up on help from his end he grabbed a net and threw it into the water wrapping around Sapnap who was now panicked

Quackity who quickly became aware of the situation tried to fight the net away from his father and in an attempt fell over the edge of the boat (L ratio get good bozo) and he was not the best swimmer quickly he began struggling to stay above water gasping for air yet the only thing entering his lungs was water he was so tired and it'd be so much easier to just stop so he did he stopped trying to resurface he looked at Sapnap from under the water the blurry image showing nothing but a siren in a net to him he was alright with that he knew it was Sapnap and maybe he'd be okay with dying if that was the last thing he saw

He closes his eyes taking one last gasp for breath and suddenly its dark and so very peaceful the water had left his lungs and every thought had left his mind but Quackity doesn't get anything his eyes shoot open as he coughs up water looking around seeing Sapnap leaning over him water and ...blood...? Dripping off of him

"W...why is there blood on your face" Quackity coughs "I- Quackity- I killed him I...I killed your dad..." Sapnap says closing his eyes bracing to be screamed at slapped even but no a soft hand is placed on his cheek and even softer lips are placed on his

He can't help but smile "my siren" Quackity coughs out again "my human" Sapnap says laying his head on Quackitys stomach

Bada big bada boom I need sleep because I gotta be up at 7 am 👞

I hope you enjoyed this horrible one-shot

Have an amazing day/night!

Wait wait wait before you go! You look really handsome/pretty/whatever compliment you enjoy!:]<3

Remember to spread love and positivity or don't I truly don't care you'd be pretty cool if you did though

Words: 1019


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