{Chapter 3: Power issues solved/TV news, Civil war?/Needing outside information}

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{It was relieving, having slept soundly, as I woke from My long nap, as I may have token off the bloody cast, as I hoped into My truck, in the garage, and took off to town hall, seeing power flicker, I began to think as I parked, guess I am lucky..}

[Lily Pov]

*I parked My truck as I hopped out, feeling better with My leg, though April is gonna fuss over it, I walked towards the Townhall building, entering inside as I see Eric, He looks and sighs in relief as I come over*

Eric: *As He and I walked inside* Hey sleep well?..*I let out an meh sound, He chuckles rubbing My head, I grumbled smacking His hand, as We entered in mayor office*

Lily: *Looks as everyone turns to Us, I waved* I noticed We've been having some power issues?...*Dad and Mr. Green nodded to this*

Gray: been using all of Our gas to keep them going...*I nodded then sighed*

Carl: *He hums a bit* Been using it mostly at the clinic, without it We can't get medical, and the bar is the only place with an good sat...*I chuckled lightly*

Johnston: *Raises an brow* Got something to say little one?..*I nodded to Him*

Lily: Hope you got two large trailer beds, need some of You to follow Me...*As I walked out, everyone looked at each other confused*

°10 Minutes Later°

[Eric Pov]

*We followed Lily, as We see some buildings that looked new and untouched, warehouses seems like, Lily said She had used Her money to invest in a lot of stuff is what her words were, Dad, Grey, Jake, Bill, Jimmy, Stanley, and Mom, along with Emily and April*

Lily: *Parks as She hops out, She groans as I parked and hopped out as well, She walks to the gates as She bend down, at garage doors, grabbing* You know how You all called Me,paranoid...welp...guess Your right....*She takes off three locks, and stands up as She pulls the door up, and Our eyes widen, seeing the inside filled with high tech stuff*

*There was two large generators, two small scale wind turbines, and two turps covered large vehicles, as I looked at Her*

Lily: *Stumbles over, as She turns the light on* Yes I am paranoid, being an Captain in the Marines has its moments, and no touchy, those two gennys are Yours to take and set up, but the turbines are for incase propose...*She said Dad chuckles in happiness*

Gray: *Smiles a bit* Now I see why Your called Nightingale, let's get them load up!...*Grey said as some eyes scanned Lily with love and adoration*

Johnston: *Hugs Lily with an chuckle* You just saved this Town, thanks Hun...*I smiled as Lily nodded*

Lily: *As She looks at Us* Jericho is My home, and I'll be damned if I am gonna leave it in dust, oh umm...*Clicks an remote, We see two large sat's dishes* Call Me, really paranoid.....*We all laughed at this Woman, as We filled with hope*

°Three Hours Later°

*The Large gens, as doing work, and the town is filled back with hope, as I see Dad, Mr. Blake, and Grey talk*

Carl: *Chuckles a bit* My daughter, back at it again saving the town from its doom....*Sips some beer*

Gail: *Looks at Us* I think, We should celebrate, have an large cook out, Gracie agreed to cook some of the marts food, I think Lily deserves a lot more credit where its due...*Grey and Us nodded to this*

Gray: *He sighed a bit* This town has given Her the respect She earned, I will admit, if it wasn't for Her this town be in deep, even with Jana's brother gang...She has stepped into conflict shutting it down..*He said, We nodded to this*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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