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"So, for no reason besides wanting to know your friends, Chenle wants to meet me?"

"Or he's just curious."

"Jaemin, I don't think that's it."

"What are you talking about?"

He hears Jisung sigh. "Has it not crossed your mind at all that maybe he's worried about competition?"

Jaemins mood drops as he tells him, "Lele doesn't care enough to worry that he has competition."

"Mind if I test that out?"

"You wanna flirt with me to see if my best friend will suddenly care about who I spend my time with when I'm not with him?"

"You can say it like that if I makes you feel better. Can I?"


"Okay, and can I touch your arm and stuff like that?"

"Go ahead. I really don't care and I'll probably like it, to be honest."

"Even better."


"Why are we here?"

"Probably 'cause Jisung owns this place."

Chenles eyes widen. "He owns a bar? How old is he?"

"I'm actually not sure. He looks our age though."

"Oh, awesome", Chenle replies sarcastically.

"Lele, relax. He's really nice."

"I'd like to think so." The ravenette looks around. "Where is Jisung anyways?"

"Right here", a deep voice says, bringing Chenle to look at a tall, handsome burgundy-haired male. Jisung smiles. "Hi."

Chenle smiles back awkwardly. "Hi."

Jisung makes sure to brighten his eyes when he looks at Jaemin. "Hi, you."

Jaemin is a little embarrassed that the tone makes him blush. Especially when he sees Jisungs eyes rake over his body. He's used to being checked out but maybe it's because he knows Jisungs intentions and admitted he might enjoy this that it feels different. "Hi."

"Are you two hungry? The food is...pretty good."

"Pretty good?" The cook exclaims. "If you think my cooking is only pretty good, you can hire someone else."

Jisung glances back at the man. "Are you aware that that was a trap?"

"Oh, uh...Bye now! Bye Jisungs friends!"

"Sorry about him!" Yangyang calls from a stool by the bar.

"Sorry about him too!" Xiaojun adds, pointing to Yangyang.

Oh fuck, Jisung thinks.

He looks back at Jaemin and Chenle and smiles. "I'll be right back. I apologize for his nosy my employees are. They have too much fun eavesdropping."

"It's because you know too much about us! It's only fair!"

"That's Yangyang. He's nice and will get you anything you want, since he's clearly not busy."

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