an unfamiliar fellow

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Sooooooo Tommy is 5'9 in this fic and not 6'3-oops i mean 6'1

Sooo let me just tell you things to clear up a mess

Some where in the time between the time when Phil yooo in tommy he and mumza...ya know? And then BOOM! we have ranboo here

Mumza and Phil's relationship is still left to uncover here (actually a lot of things are left to uncover but
✨ Patience ✨)



(Third person pov)

They walked in silence together. It was cold and relatively quiet. Occasionally they would run into young thugs and addicts. Tommy would greet them. A good amount would give grunts in response. Tommy was a good cop and the neighbourhood knew it. He wasn’t about to beat their children’s heads in for a power trip and he was small fry enough that the real gangsters let him be, at least for now. (Tommy's going to drop ranboo at school of your confused where they are and where they going)

Sometimes I think his facade of normalcy is all an act. No one’s this nice.

Ranboo brushed the thought away.

Their silence was a comfortable one and he felt no need to break it and, for once, neither did Tommy. He secretly liked these moments with Tommy. He felt like they were on the same wavelength. Like, without saying anything, Tommy ‘got’ him.

Ranboo realized in that moment that he trusted Tommy, not just to provide food and shelter, but with his life.

Where the hell had that come from?


Ranboo realized he had suddenly stopped. Tommy was looking back at him with furrowed brow.

He pretended to tie his shoe and felt ridiculous for doing so.

An addict took the opportunity to shuffle up while ranboo ‘finished tying his shoe.’

“Hey Boss.”

"Freddy!” And Tommy sounded excited and pleased and nervous. Ranboo glanced up.
‘freddy’ was a dirty looking young man with long dirty black hair and a trucker’s hat. He itched at his arm unconsciously. The two adults were still for a moment and then Tommy pulled the other man into a hug.

The addict stiffened for a second, but then wrapped his arms around Tommy as well.

“They’re still calling me spawn, Thes.”

Tommy pulled back, frowning. He still held onto the other man’s shoulders like he was afraid he might run off.

“’Thes?’” The two looked back at Ranboo. He was paying more attention than before. This was different than the usual morning greetings. This was history. History that Ranboo never noticed Tommy not talking about. What did he really know about Tommy anyway? Adopted by his father, rookie cop, hero complex, trustworthy (for some reason), liked coke, liked games, but that was it.

“You have a kid?” freddy stiffened and Ranboo identified deep pain on the addict’s face. Freddy pulled away.

“...He’d have to be fourteen when I was conceived," Ranboo bluntly crossed his arms.

“He’s my little brother,” Tommy said quickly.

“That ain’t wilbur. Too young, way too young.”

Damian sneered, “It’s Ranboo. Ranboo Wattson. Who the hell are you?”

“ranboo!” Tommy’s tone was sharp and usually Ranboo would brush it off, but Tommy sounded like their father for a moment and it stunned Ranboo for a second.

Ranboo huffed at the addict turning away from his stern looking guardian.

“He’s the same age as—”

“He’s phil’s long lost son,” tommy turned back to 'freddy' and sounded a little desperate now.

“Yeah, I heard what happened to him. Sorry for your loss.”

“I’m taking him to school.”



“I gotta go Thes.”

“Wait!” Tommy grabbed his arm. Freddy tried to pull away, “Here let me give you my number. You call me okay?”

“I’m not gonna call you Toms.” He said as tommy quickly wrote down his number and pushed it into his hand, “You got a kid.”

“I’m not his kid,” Ranboo grumbled.

“If it was me, I wouldn’t want someone like me around my kid.”

Tommy looked devastated. Freddy left.

Ranboo looked down at his watch. Late for school. Sorry teacher, my guardian had an emotional reunion with a drug addict. Won’t happen again.(hah!)

Tommy was frozen in place. He looked like he might start crying as he stared in the direction ‘spawn’ had disappeared in. He looked like he wanted to run after, but then he once again looked back at Ranboo and his shoulders slumped.

We’re late tommy.”

Ranboo didn’t care, he didn’t ask for an explanation. Tommy chose him, which was enough for now.

“Sorry Ran. I’ll talk to bow—Ms. Bow.(i seriously forgot the girls name who Tommy went on a Minecraft date with! Who was she?! She has like black and blond hair and she sang pretty! I am seriously having some problems with people as i think who to add here and think of someone then i remember "oh,i already have a spot reserved for them! It's soo like- fuck!)

Stop looking so lost.

“She’ll understand.”

Damn it, stop looking so lost.



and yea that was Freddy or "spawn" you'll get it later on! Don't worry!

Ask me question I'll answer them if they do not spoil things (or maybe I'll tell you a lil secret*wink* *wink*)

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