Chapter 15: Wakanda Forever

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Raya was standing next to Shuri. "Bast. Time is running out. Please allow me to heal my brother of this illness and I will never question your existence again." Shuri whispered and Raya grabbed her hand.

The doors opened and they ran out. "His heart rate is dropping fast. Where are we?" Shuri asked. One of the lab members walked by her. "We are finishing a sequence now."

"GRIOT, give Raya and I the controls." Shuri said and they ran to scan to DNA. As you wish princess. Shuri took one of the balls and placed it in the DNA replica. "What is the confidence rate?" Raya asked.


Shuri began typing fast. "We'll have to try another way." GRIOT talked again. King T'Challa's heart rate has fallen to 31 beats per minute. "Princess you should go be by his side." The lab person said.

"Shuri go. I got this." Shuri didn't even answer. "I have to think. Everyone get out. Get out!" Shuri yelled. Everyone stopped talking and walked out. Raya was about to go but Shuri grabbed her arm.

Shuri began rearranging the replica and most of it turned red. "What is the confidence rate?" Shuri asked quickly.


"Print it." She said walking up the steps to the case.

Princess I am aware of the urgency but I must warn you this synthetic heart shaped herb has a minimal chance of producing the designed effects.

"I don't care! Has to work." Raya heard Shuri shout.

Raya ran up to Shuri to see her get the flower out of the case and they took a couple steps before stopping to see Ramonda. "GRIOT?" Yes princess. "what is my brothers heart rate?" He didn't respond.

Ramonda shook her head slightly. "You're brother is with the ancestors." She said with tears coming down her cheeks.

Shuri and Raya started crying. "No." Shuri sobbed out and Raya wrapped her arms around the girl.

They had his funeral shortly after. A celebration of life send off. Raya was in the back because she wasn't apart of the family. Everyone wore white. People were dancing and singing during the send off.

They had painted a mural in honor of him on one of the buildings. It was beautiful.

One of the ships had picked him up and everyone saluted him off. Everyone in Wakanda was there. She had smiled at the scene. He was loved by everyone and had made so much change.

They would soon have to get back to their lives. Raya didn't know how she was going to go on. She had lost another person who had cared for her.

But as T'Challa said: death is not the end.

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