Chapter 6

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Raya went back to her room and ate. After she was down she took off her sweatshirt leaving her in her black sports bra. She looked in the mirror at all of her scars. She traced them with her fingers.

She bent down and pulled out the box from the back of her closet. She opened it and she looked at her suit. She stood up and walked over to her garage and threw it in there.

She walked back to the box and put it back. She sighed and she took a shower, changed into her pajamas, and went to bed.

Raya woke up to the sound of someone knocking at her door. "What?" She shouted and the doors opened. Raya sat up to see Shuri standing there. "Come I need you right away in the lab. It is urgent." Shuri said and she walked back out closing the door.

Raya groaned and got up putting on black scrubs. She put on her shoes and ran out the door putting her hair up into a ponytail. She ran to the lab just and Shuri got there.

They walked up to T'Challa and Okoye just as they we're coming. She uncovered the person who was on the hover stretcher. "Great! Another broken white boy for us to fix. This is going to be fun." Shuri said as they walked into the lab.

They got him on the table and Shuri and Raya looked at the hologram of his spinal cord and they analyzed it. Shuri enlarged the hologram and looked at T'Challa. "He will live." Shuri said and her kimoyo beads went off. "W'Kabi is here." She said as T'Calla left.

Raya looked at Nakia and she shook her head.

Klaue got away.

The next day Raya was in the lab with Shuri. She was working while Raya was training, well playing with her new weapons. She had on black workout leggings and a black sports bra with her down straightened.

She was spinning and hitting the mannequins. She accidentally swung to hard and decapitated one. She watched it fly across the room. She cringed and slowly turned to Shuri like she was just caught doing something bad.

"How many times have I told you to be careful in my lab." Shuri said raising her voice. "Sorry and don't you mean our lab." Raya said walking to the girl flicking her finger between her and herself.

"I spent enough time as you do in here." Raya said as she sat on the table right next to the girl. Shuri looked up at her. "My lab. One day you can call it our lab." Shuri said and Raya smiled at her.

"Pinky promise?" Raya said holding out her pinky.

Shuri looked at her hand and at her face laughing. She put out her hand and intertwined their pinkies.

Raya smiled and she watched Shuri got back to work on the computers.

After working on the computer they moved to one of the stations and started working on a new project. "All right where am I?" A voice asked and they jumped turning to it. "Don't scare me like that colonizer!" Shuri said looked at the man.

Raya looked slightly offended and hit Shuri's arm which she ignored. "What? My name is Everett." He said taking a step towards them. "Yes I know. Everett Ross. Former Air Force pilot and now CIA." Shuri said as she turned back to their project.

"Right. Okay is this Wakanda?" He asked. "No, it's Kansas." Raya said looking at the man. "How long ago was Korea?" Ross asked them.


He shook his head. "I don't think so. Bullet wounds don't just magically heal overnight." Shuri laughed at his comment. "They do here. But not by magic. By technology. Don't touch anything. My brother will return soon."

Ross looked around and walked to the window. "These train things....that's magnetic levitation right?" He asked. Shuri nodded. "Obviously"

"Obviously but I've never see it this efficient. The light panels what are they?" Ross asked as Shuri started to explain. "Sonic stabilizers." He questioned it and they got up and walked over to him.

"In it's raw form vibranium is too dangerous to be transported at that speed. So I developed a way to temporarily deactivate it." Shuri said looking out the window.

"There's vibranium on those trains?" Ross asked. "There's vibranium all around us. That's how we healed you." Shuri said and her and Raya walked back to the table. Her kimoyo beads went off and Okoye appeared and Shuri pointed at him to not say anything.

Where is T'Calla? His kimoyo beads have been switched off. Shuri light smiled. "Well, we are not joined at the hip Okoye." A man showed up at the border who claims to have killed Klaue.

"What?" Raya asked her. W'Kabi is transporting him as we speak to the palace. We need to find your brother. Okoye explained as Shuri went on one of the computers. "An outsider?" She said looking at the man's profile.

No a Wakandan. Ross spoke up and walked by them. "He's not Wakandan. He's one of ours."
Shuri looked at the man and went on to get her brother down to the lab.

As soon as he arrived they formed a group in front of his information. "Erik Stevens. Graduated Annapolis, age 19. MIT for grad school. Joined the SEALs and went straight to Afghanistan where he wrapped up confirmed kills like it was a video game." Ross explained.

"Started calling him Killmonger." Raya said and they looked at her confused. "Ran into him also." She said and she then shut up to let them talk.

"He joined a JSOC ghost unit. Now these guys are serious. They will drop of the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments."

"Did he reveal anything about his identity?" T'Challa asked. "He has a war dog tattoo but we have no record of him." Shuri said as they look at his picture.

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