3. The Queen of Hearts

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3. The Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts sat on a pure black horse. She was tall, with a slim body. Her long black hair was swept up into a tight, elaborate bun. Her eyes were as black as onyx, rimmed with thick eyelashes. Her skin was pale white, but her cheeks were tinted bright red, which I was later to find out was from being flushed with anger. Her lips were blood red and set into a frown. She wore a beautiful black, red, white, and silver gown. She had a golden crown atop her head, and around her neck hung a necklace with a single red ruby in the shape of a heart. She would’ve been beautiful if she didn’t look so angry.

The card-soldiers formed an aisle for her to walk through. She dismounted her horse, walked forward, and then she stopped.

“You there!” she yelled at me. “Why aren’t you bowing? Don’t you know who I am?”

“The Queen of Hearts?” I asked, timidly.

“Of course! Are you questioning my identity?”

“No, Your Majesty,” I replied.

“You’re still not bowing! OFF WITH HER HEAD!” she bellowed.

“Off with my- Oh, no! That’s not necessary!” I hurriedly scrambled to the ground.

I heard the Queen chuckle. “Oh dear, there’s no need of that! Get up. You’re making a fool of yourself.” I obeyed, even though she had just made a fuss over me not bowing. “A proper curtsy will do,” she continued.

I grabbed my invisible skirt and dipped into a small curtsy like I used to do when I was little.

“Perfect! Now, what is your name?” she asked, as sweet as she seemed capable of.

“Alice Lennette, Your Majesty.”

“What a lovely name! And where did you come from?”

“I fell down a rabbit hole.”

The Queen chuckled. “A rabbit hole? You are very funny, Alice. You must come to tea at my castle this afternoon. Mind your manners, and don’t be late, or you shall be punished.”

My eyes widened. Punished? What did she mean by that? I wondered. I probably didn’t want to find out, so I just said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And if you for some reason don’t come, I will hunt you down, and make sure your head is chopped off.”

On that happy note, she turned around and walked back through the aisle of cards to her horse. She mounted, and galloped away, with the rest of the procession on foot behind her.

Oh my God, I thought. She tried to have me killed! And now I have to have tea with her? I don’t even know where the palace is! This day just keeps getting better and better. Maybe if I keep walking, I’ll find someone and ask for directions.

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