Chapter I : The Past

Start from the beginning

I heard she's been through many masters and none of them seemed to have taken a liking to her so I had her work here,I told her she'll only eat when her tasks are done and I had to punish her for her disobedience which happens too often."

The man stated with a warm smile as he continued walking not knowing Kagaya was already scowling while his violet eyes glowed in the dark with a murderous glint.

"And here we are,rent comes in week and food are served right to your door when you call it in.

Enjoy your stay."

The man suggested as he opened the door to their rooms before leaving them and as the two entered Amane quickly closed the door and turned to face her husband with scowl still painted on his face.

"What were you planning to do with the girl?"

Amane asked with a worried look as Kagaya took off his haori placing it on a small drawer and sat while Amane massaged his shoulders to help him relax.

"The girl's hatred and resentment are strong,so strong that I can even smell it from here."

Kagaya replied as Amane looked at her husband in bewilderment and realized that she can even smell it.

"Are you planning to turn her into one?"

Amane pondered as Kagaya narrowed his eyes and a scowl remaining on his face.

"Yes,since I can tell that she wants everyone in this village dead and was even willing to sell her soul."

Kagaya answered as a thought came in the woman's mind.

" come this village were secluded that no one even knew?"

Amane pondered completely confused why the village is hidden well.

"Because this village is filled with all kinds of outlaws and was purposely built as a hiding place from the government,that's why no one knows this village existed and what's worse is that children either born from here or taken here are sold as slaves for any purposes.

If they got killed they'll just be thrown off and left to rot."

Kagaya explained as Amane stared in pure shock leaving her speechless while freezing in place in surprise.

"I'm burning this place to the very ground,take care of the rest of the children and turn them into one...they've already suffered enough so end their misery by turning them into a demon and let them roam freely.

If there's anyone to blame for turning them into a monster...they'll only be pointing fingers to the ones who created it and all we did is end their torture."

Kagaya ordered as Amane nodded and stood up walking towards the shoji door opening it revealing the night sky with a full moon.

And later that night the same girl from the inn's lobby were carrying a bucket of water as she placed it on the wall behind the inn not noticing Kagaya watching her from a few feet away.


Kagaya called quickly gaining the girl's attention as she flinched while turning to face the black haired man with a frightened look.

"Tell you want to get away from this place?Live in freedom without anyone restraining you?"

Kagaya asked with a gentle smile as the girl's eyes were filled up with hope while gazing at the man in pure surprise and nodded.

"Do you want to take revenge on those who hurted you?Make them suffer like how they made you suffer?"

Kagaya asked again with his smile not faltering as the girl nodded eagerly while Kagaya held out his hand to the girl urging her to go with him.

"Then abandon your humanity and become a demon.

Take revenge on those that enslaved you."

Kagaya added as the girl slowly approach him with a surprised look instead of fear then as she stood inches away from him Kagaya pierced his entire hand on the girl's chest impaling her heart while his blood flooded through her veins.

Then as he pulled his hand away from the girl's chest she immediately fell down on the cold hard ground writhing and convulsing in pain as Kagaya's blood flowed through her veins while the black haired man patiently watched her.

"I'll let you enjoy your feast...then come back to me right after you're done."

Kagaya answered as he instantly disappeared while Y/N continued writhing in pain and she slowly started transforming.

Her nails started growing longer and she's becoming more and more hungrier with sharp canine fangs growing on her teeth.

Then she shakily stood up and fell right back down yet she kept standing up as she regained her conscience and remembered what Kagaya had told her.

And as she entered the inn looking for the homeowner she eventually found him in his room stocking his money in a safe and with him too busy in his greed he failed to notice the girl standing behind him and a few moments later a blood curdling scream came from the room where the homeowner is along with blood splattering on the shoji door.

While outside the entire village was already burning up in flames as screams of pain and agony echoed in the air while they tried to escape from the children that was turned into demons.

And amidst the burning view Kagaya and Amane stood on top of the roof watching the village burn in pure satisfaction.

"Seems like we did the right choice freeing them."

Amane answered while Kagaya nodded with a satisfied smile and a loud thud came from behind them as they turned to see Y/N standing in front of them with her ragged clothes covered in blood.

And Kagaya smiled warmly as he approached the h/c haired girl.


Now let's go home,all of us."

Kagaya replied gently placing a hand on the girl's shoulder and the three of them disappeared in an instant as they arrived at a large estate.

"Y/N,if you eat enough humans and become strong to reach the uppermoon...find the Blue Spider Lily."

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