"You're seriously asking me that?"Damien questions.

"I'm not coming back" I say flatly

"You think that's your decision to decide, hm Angel?"

I tense at the name, my middle name. The name our mother gave me. I clear my throat and regain my composure.

"My answer won't change. You know that"

"I do. You're stubborn that way"Damien agrees. "Sooner or later you'll have to give in" I glared at my brother, who didn't seem fazed.

"Well, I won't give in" I say in a nonchalant tone "might as well drag me back."

I smirked before continuing "If you can, that is"

Damien pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, then smirked. I furrowed my brows in confusion, I hate this. Damien is one manipulative ass. His games always piss me off. They both piss me off.

"We'll see each other soon" Damien turned and walked towards the door, stopped and turned before leaving, said "Little brother"

I really don't like this

                          § •°~•°~•°~•°~•°~•°§

The cafe was finally closed after a hard day's work. Mason stretches out his body and grunts. Esme comes from the backroom with her hair tied in a messy bun

"Gosh" Esme says, placing her hands on her hip "Today was one hell of a surprise. Isn't that right, Beryl?"
She said glancing pointedly at me. Tension envelopes the room like a thick fogg. Mason clears his throat nervously. I sigh
"Okay ,fine. Yes, I am a member of the Quinn and I'll explain everything"

Esme holds her stare "Start talking"

"You hate me right now, don't you?"I ask Esme. She huffs out a breath and looks at me, emotions swirling in her eyes. Anger. Pain

My heart aches just seeing her eyes hold so much. My family isn't something I love talking about. Hell, I wish that name wasn't mine. The Quinns. Influential,
famous, powerful and highly respected. I sigh. If only they know what happens behind closed doors. Sighing seems to be the only thing holding me in place.

"I wasn't actually planned. My father-" Knots form in my throat. I inhale deeply before continuing" He raped my mother one night after getting drunk at a party. Sent me to a fancy school abroad,high class university....... "I trail off, absolutely hating what I'm saying. It only brings horrible memories.

"My mother never held it against him... or me". I smile at the thought of my mother. Inez Magdelina Quinn. Elegant, crazy, dedicated mother.

"My father came to see my worth as a dominant omega so his plan was to groom me to..... continue the family line."

Esme stares in shock.I smile at her.

"Don't make that face, last thing I want is pity."

"And there's the Beryl I know" Esme rolls her eyes.

At least she's not thinking of it.

"Okay I think that's enough drama for today. It's closing time, I'm beat" I say and stretch out, relaxing the knots in my body. I turn to see Mason with puppy eyes. Oh no. Puppy eyes leads to no good.

"Yes?" I ask sweetly. Mason blinks blindly, his face blank."Well I want to ask for a ride......if that's okay with you" He gives that smile that is simply cute.

No Beryl, don't be swayed.

I steel myself against it.I still happen to be pissed at him."Hmm.... I don't know"

I reply innocently tapping my chin. The beta looks at me with desperate eyes. I am still not budging.

"Next time" mason droops his shoulders. I pat it softly "promise"

"Your word" he says hitting me with those puppy eyes again.

Don't feel guilty. Don't feel guilty

"I'll see you around"

Mason said before leaving now it was Esme and I.b"I'll close up,you can go home" I thank her and skip out the cafe.

"See ya"

I hop in my red Camry and zoomed home.

Driving home, the conversation with Damien pop up.

Home? Really?

I grip the wheel hard,t urning a sharp left.

Damn him.Damn them both.An unfortunate situation in my life is that I had to be indirectly born in a socialite family.I would give anything just to be born in a normal family without that life-draining pressure to uphold the family name.I press the brake pedal but broke Mrs Henderson's gnome.

Now I know I'm getting in tomorrow all right.

Today just happens to be my day.I stepped out of the car before locking it and double checking before entering the house.I flipped on the switch,brightening the room.There was an empty wine bottle and a half full decanter of scotch on the coffee table.I'm never giving them my house keys again.

I turned to the kitchen for a night snack since my lazy ass won't bother to cook anything.

You know how sometimes you can see things that are going to happen in your mind and then they actually happen?

What's it called?

Deja vu?

Well whatever it's called I felt it and I don't like it.

The lights in the kitchen were on which had me scared as hell considering the fact that I live alone.

Any normal person would call the police and report a break in.

But that's the problem.I'm not a normal person.I picked up the lamp to use as a weapon.

Bad choice of weapon,yes.

But it depends on how you use it.

Carefully I opened the door with the lamp over my head ready to break someone's skull only to see the intruder is a man dressed in black sitting on the floor and clutching his bleeding arm.


I hope you like it,thanks for reading🦋

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