1- Starting Today, You Are a Host!

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Haruhi walks to the cafeteria of her academy and she opens the door. She looks around at all of the people sitting talking as she looks down at her book. She sighs as she shuts the door, walking away.

I heard this place has four library rooms. You think one of them would be quiet, but they're all so busy. I thought the cafeteria would be good but nope. How are things in heaven, Mum? I can't believe it's been ten years already. I'm beginning to think rich kids only come to school to have a good time.

Haruhi says to herself as she makes it to a music room. She cracks the door open and walks in, only to be greeted by six boys sitting in the room.

"Welcome" the six boys say as they look at Haruhi.

The doors suddenly shut behind her as she turns and hits her hands against the door.

"This is a host club?!" Haruhi says in shock as she presses her back against the door.

"Oh wow, it's a boy" the two twins in the room say as they look at Haruhi.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe this young man is in the same class as you isn't he?" the boy with classes says as he looks at the two twins.

"Yeah, but he's shy. He doesn't act very sociably so we don't know much about him" Hikaru and Kaoru say as they look at the boy with glasses.

"Well that wasn't very polite" the boy with glasses says as he smiles softly, a lightbulb turning on in his head, "welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honour Student".

"What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka!" the blonde haired boy says in shock, "you're the exceptional honour student we've heard about".

"How did you know my name?" Haruhi asks as she stops trying the door for a moment.

"Well you're infamous. It's not everyday a commoner gains entrance into our academy" the boy with classes says as he folds his arms, "you must have an audacious nerve to work yourself hard in order to fight your way into this school, Mr. Fujioka".

"Well, uh, thank you I guess" Haruhi says awkwardly.

"Well you're welcome" the blonde haired boy says as he puts his arm around Haruhi, "you're a hero to other poor people, Fujioka. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel in this school! It must be hard for you to be constantly looked down upon by others".

"I think you're taking this poor person thing too far" Haruhi says as she moves away from the boy.

"Spurned, neglected" the boy says as he follows Haruhi, "but that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor. We welcome you poor man to our world of beauty".

"I'm out of here" Haruhi says as she walks to the door.

"Hey, come back here, Haru-chan" the smallest of the boys says as he pulls Haruhi by her arm, "you must be like a superhero or something, that's so cool!".

"I'm not a hero, I'm an honour student" Haruhi says as she looks at the boy, "and who are you calling Haru-chan?".

"I would have never imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay" the blonde haired boy says as he walks over.

"Openly what?" Haruhi questions as she looks at the boy.

"So tell me what kind of guys you're into?" the boy says as he looks at Haruhi, "do you like the strong, silent type? The boy-Lolita? How about the mischievous type? Or the cool type?".

"I-uh... it's not like that" Haruhi says as she backs away from the boy, "I was just looking for a quiet place to study".

"Or maybe... you're into a guy like me" the boy says as he grazes his fingertips across Haruhi's jawline, "what do you say?".

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