Chapter 8

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After going ice skating, we went to this really cute restaurant for dinner. Let me tell you it was the cutest and most romantic dinner I ever had!

Time skip

After dinner we decided to walk home. It wasn't a long walk so it was a quite good idea! As we were walking out, a group of girls spotted us.

I think everyone can image what is going to happen.

"Omg, are you Paddy Holland???" She basically screamed. "Uhmmm, yes" paddy answered looking at me. I just shrugged, because I didn't know what to say.

After they took a picture of him, one of the girls, gave paddy a peace of paper. Of course I know what it was. "In case you need a girlfriend" she said. "I-I-" paddy tried to argue back but she left.

A little tear was running down my cheek. How could this girl say that to him. Paddy immediately dropped the paper and wrapped me into his arms.

"Darling, Love. Don't listen to hear! I only want you and I want to grow old with you! Your the one that I want! I love you!" I know it's fast but he just said those three tiny words.

"I love you, too" I said with a huge smile on my face, complete forgotten what just happend.

He looked straight into my eyes and gave kisses me. As always it was a cute passionated kiss.

Time skip

We eventually made it home, where his parents and brothers were watching a movie.

"Oh hello my loves!" Nikki said "your on time for the next move" paddy looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah sure, but let us change quickly. We heard some yes and yeahs and we went upstairs.

Paddy throw one of his giddies at me and took his own shirt of. Of course I was starring, because he looked sooo good!!!!!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, baby!" Paddy laughed. "Oh shut it", I said and took my shirt if too. Now he's the one starring. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" I mocked him before I put on his hoodie. He just laughed at me

After some minutes we went downstairs and laid on the couch. Of course my head on paddy's chest and we were cuddling. The film was really good but I was so tired, that I fell asleep in paddy's arms!

I know it's not that long, but I'll try to make the next chapters longer!
I hope you still enjoyed it and if there are any request just comment!
Guys I completely forgot that Amelia (main character) is related to hazza and was diagnosed with cancer!! Well I'm doing the next part now, just so no one's get confused!! Ahhhh

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