♪ twenty-two ♪

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My jaw kept wanting to drop, and I had little energy to fix it. Strangely, my buzz was gone, and though I was groggy, I could see clearly.

Clearly enough to realize that I'd woken from a wet dream about Leo, only to find Leo sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at me like I'd chopped off all my hair on a whim.

"Huh?" I yanked the covers up—my cleavage was spilling over, and I caught Leo ogling—and crossed my arms. "What's going on?"

"You tell me," he said, a hint of a smile over his pouty lips. "You're the one who looks like she saw a ghost." He chuckled. "And covering up as if I was about to attack you. You have nothing to hide, Emma. I've seen it all, and as gorgeous as you are, I respect you. I won't stare at your boobs—not for too long, at least."

"Seen it all?" I pressed my arms harder against myself. "Last night?"

I had no notion of how much time had passed, how long I'd slept, and when I'd started trying to finger myself in my sleep.

"Yeah, because you literally stripped in front of me before collapsing into bed. You were snoring before I even got out of the room." He shook his head, smirking. "Adorable."

Stripping, collapsing, and snoring? I blushed so hard my cheeks hurt.

"Fuck, I'm an embarrassment, aren't I?" I massaged my temples, where a migraine was starting to form. "This is a disaster. I'm sorry. Did your friends all hate me?"

He stood up and waded over to sit closer to me. I flinched at his proximity, my wet dream about him still too fresh in my mind. "Hey," he patted my arm, "don't worry, you were fine. Most of them were more intoxicated than you, believe it or not. That's how they like to party, and if they see someone having fun, too, they love it. My security team shoved them into cabs and Ubers, and they all texted how much they liked you."

"Ugh," I dragged a hand down my face, "what else did I do? Besides stripping in front of you, I mean. I only remember snippets."

"You talked a lot," he chuckled, "but otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary. No dancing on tables or groping. Though you and I danced," he winced, "and things got a little heated, so I apologize for that. I didn't realize how drunk you were at the time, but you were, um..." A glow came from behind the curtained windows, basking parts of him in subtle light. His cheeks reddened. "You went along with it, so I assumed you were playing the game with me."

I groaned, wanting to pull the blankets over myself. "I talked a lot? Shit." My head was spinning. When I was heavily inebriated, crazy things came out of my mouth. And with all the conflicted emotions I had inside lately, who the fuck knew what I'd said to all these strangers. "Shit, shit. This is bad. Do you know what I was telling people? Did you overhear anything?"

"No." Leo's face grew serious. "They would have told me if you'd said anything messed up. Why?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Were there things you weren't supposed to say? Things you didn't want me to know?"

I shook my head, but the motion made me nauseous. "No, no, nothing like that, but I...tend to ramble and talk nonsense when I'm drunk. I worry that I embarrassed you."

"I promise you didn't. Everything is fine." The warmth in his tone almost calmed me down, but I wouldn't be fooled by his charming demeanor. Who the hell was so charming after so many drinks and drugs?

As I was about to slither under the covers, he got up from the bed.

"Should I go home, then?" I opted to stretch, now that he'd moved away from me.

"No, not yet." He had his back to me and was rubbing his neck as he spun around. "I have a favor to ask." He marched over to the windows, and gently pulled the drapes aside, revealing lights much brighter than what I'd remembered yesterday.

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