"This was Marks," Happy growled out fiercely, his voice dropping an octave with the vengefulness in his tone.

Jax looked up into the enforcer's cold eyes. "We follow you," Tig said with certainty. "This isn't on you."

The three of us watched the President collect himself, sucking in a deep breath and tapping my hip, indicating for me to get up. The self-deprecating guilt and shame did not leave his eyes as he braced himself against the chair to stand. Tig and Hap stepped back, moving off the porch as Jax rose and I held out my hand for him. Rat and Kenney were watching the exchange with concern, Tig and Hap staring at their brother, wondering what he was going to do next. The club would take the loss of Bobby a lot harder than West, but who knew what the president was going to do.

Jax slid his hand into mine. "Come on," He said gently. "We have somewhere to be."

Tig and Hap nodded, recognising the new spark in Jax. The two of us walked to our bikes, pulling out our night-time riding glasses. Determination bloomed behind those irises of his, bringing him back to reality, even if it was just for a little bit. The satisfaction of what was to come would only be brief, but it was enough to get him moving again. We rolled down the driveway, the gravel crunching beneath the tires.

Chibs and Quinn were waiting for us on the side of the road, by the Oakland City sign. They pulled their bikes out and slid into formation behind us as we rode along the highway, sending us straight into downtown. The night club entrance was all lit up with neon lights and flashing sirens. Police were crawling all over the scene as August Marks was led outside in handcuffs. His dress shirt beneath his swanky suit was crooked as they roughly escorted him to a wagon.

The gangster glanced over at us parked across the busy street. He dipped his chin, in both understanding and a promise before he disappeared into the backseat. Moses Cartwright followed close behind his employer, keeping out of the way of the officers, watching them intently as they drove off. His gaze found us as we mounted our bikes and pulled them off the curb, heading for home.


"Ah, yes! Fuck yes!" I cried out, half-moaning into my pillow as Jax assaulted my body.

His hips snapped into me, his thrusts painfully hard and I could feel the deep ache already from our activities the night before. "Ahhhh," I groaned into the pillow as he drove into me over and over again.

The growing pleasure offset the pain, the pair becoming a deadly mix that drove me closer and closer to orgasm. One hand painfully gripped my hip to hold me steady and stop my body from sliding across the bedsheets, while the other wrapped my hair around his wrist, fingers digging into my scalp. He wrenched my head back at an awkward angle, my cry of pleasure and surprise choking off a little at the end.

I tried to use my hands to push myself up, but his body was pressed against my back as he railed me. A layer of sweat coated both our figures, sliding over one another easily. I whimpered as he got rougher the closer he got to his climax, my fingers digging into the mattress. "Jax!"

My entire body seized as I screamed out my orgasm, my back arching impossibly further, my legs beginning to cramp. He grunted in my ear, thrusting into me a few more times before his cock twitched and warmth filled me.

He collapsed onto the space beside me, pulling out of me with the movement, causing me to wince. His fingers returned to running absentminded patterns across my back as he retreated back into his head again. We both lay like that for a moment, panting and I relived the last thirty-six hours of our lives.

Jax had veered off from the others on our way home the other night. I followed as he led us into a familiar neighbourhood, returning to the house we used to share. The cleaners had done the best they could at getting the stains out of the kitchen linoleum but the outline of the pools of blood that had settled on the floor could not be dampened.

Angel Amongst the Reapers :||: Angel Chronicles #1Where stories live. Discover now