NR, YB & TS : Easter (NR Daughter)

313 13 2

Age: 4
Powers: none
Warnings: none

Natasha's POV:

I've never been one to celebrate Easter, but since y/n was born, I've been trying to make every holiday as special as possible for her.

Tony volunteered to organise a big Easter party today for all the avengers, but realistically I know he's just doing it for y/n and Morgan.

"Baby it's time to get up, it's Easter!" I gently stroked my daughter's head as her eyes fluttered open.

"Easter?!" Y/N questioned as she slowly sat up to look at me.

"Yeah baby, Tony's organised a party remember, and we're going to do an Easter egg hunt!" I reminded y/n whose face lit up at the idea of chocolate.

"Yay! Do I get to play with Morgan?" Y/N asked me as I picked her up and took her over to her closet.

"You do, are you excited to see her?" I asked y/n.

"Yeah!" Y/N exclaimed, as if she didn't see Morgan everyday anyway.

Once I'd got y/n dressed, we headed downstairs for breakfast.

"There's my favourite Romanoff, I made you your favourite for breakfast!" Wanda exclaimed as she took y/n out of my arms.

"Wanda?! What about me?" I laughed as I sat down at the counter.

"Sorry Nat, but your daughter is very cute and cuddly" Wanda smiled as she held y/n close to her.

"Please can I have my pancakes now?" Y/N asked.

"Of course, sorry sunshine, what do you want on them?" Wanda asked as she put two pancakes on a plate for y/n.

"Syrup please" y/n requested before Wanda let her squeeze the syrup onto the pancakes.

I watched as y/n completely overdid it, but she's just like her mother, always wants to do everything herself and it's Easter which apparently is an excuse to eat as much sugar as you want.


"Y/N, Morgan it's time for your Easter egg hunt!" I called out as I wandered into the girls' playroom.

"Yay!!" they cheered in unison as they ran out of their playhouse.

"Did the Easter bunny come?" Morgan asked me as I picked y/n up and placed her on my hip before taking Morgan's hand to take them both outside.

"The Easter bunny did come, and he hid lots of treats for you two to find!" I exclaimed as I headed outside with the girls.

"Why does he have to hide them, why can't he just give us the treats?" Morgan asked me.

"Because it's fun to search for them!" I said, even though she had a valid point.

"How does the bunny hide them?" Y/N piped up, having been quiet for a while.

"Well he has a basket of treats and he comes to every child's garden and hides Easter treats for them" I explained.

"I see one!" Y/N squealed as we walked into the garden.

Morgan let go of my hand and ran over to grab a basket to start filling it with eggs as y/n slid down my body to follow her.

"Hey Pep, where's Tony?" I asked Pepper as I took a seat next to her.

"You don't want to know-" Pepper began before she was interrupted by the screams of y/n and Morgan.

"What's the matter baby?" I asked as I ran over to y/n who was sobbing alongside Morgan, who seemed upset but not as frightened as y/n.

"Evil Easter bunny" y/n whimpered as she turned and pointed to clearly Tony and someone else dressed as Easter bunnies.

"Seriously Tony? What made you think this would be a good idea?" Pepper yelled over to Tony.

"Sorry, I thought they'd like to meet the Easter bunny" Tony shrugged as he took his mask off.

"The effort's there, but you could have warned them! Anyway who's the other one?" I asked before they took the bunny mask off to reveal it was Yelena.

"Yelena?! Why are you dressed up in matching Easter bunny costumes with Tony?!" I yelled, honestly she was the last person I would have expected to be under that costume.

"Sorry, Tony and I get on very well I'll have you know and we just wanted to do something special for the girls, we didn't realise they were so sensitive" Yelena explained.

I groaned before sending them both back inside to get changed.

"Do you want to carry on with your Easter egg hunt now?" I bent down and asked y/n who seemed to have calmed down.

"You come?" Y/N asked as she placed her tiny hand on my knee.

"Of course I'll come, let's go find some eggs!" I exclaimed before picking y/n up and taking her to finish off the hunt.

- 805 words

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