wanting the truth

Start from the beginning

— I can make you forget it all, finished Rafe, finally looking at his boyfriend. I can hypnotise you and you won't remember anything.

— Why would I want to forget? The human stood up, annoyed.

— You're traumatised, I can help with that. He stood up too, approaching his hand to Victor's cheek. But he pushed his hand away. Trust me, you don't want to live with this. It's going to haunt you, torture you. If I had the chance to be innocent, I would take it with no hesitation.

— You're not me. I don't want to forget. It's been months I feel like I'm missing something, I don't want to feel left out again.

The hybrid sighed, running a hand through his hair. He had no other choice but to compel him without his consent. I'm sorry, he said before taking his shoulders and making him look into his eyes.

— W-What? Victor looked his lover in the eyes but closed them when he saw the carmine red of his pupils. Were you trying to use your power even though I told you not to? He was shocked and hurt that Rafe would dare to go against his will. His eyes widened and he looked at the young man in disbelief. Have you used your power on me against my will before? The lack of an answer from Rafe made Victor shiver. He gasped and a tear ran down his cheek. He couldn't believe it.

— I'm sorry, was all Rafe could say. I had no other choice.

— How exactly you didn't have any choice ?! Have you thought about me when you did that? It wasn't Rafe's choice to make, it was his.

— I did think of you! That day, you were shocked, scared of me!

— And what makes today different ?!

The room fell silent and Rafe frowned. You're scared of me, he stated, looking at the human.

— No! W-What makes you say that? He was stuttering, it was obvious he was nervous. He tried to justify himself but Rafe was right.

— You're scared of me, he repeated loudlier. Your heart is beating faster when I'm walking close to you. He took a few steps forward and unconsciously Victor took a few steps back. But it's not this feeling like I'm gonna kiss you. You think, no, you're sure I'll kill you. You're sure that I'll bite and drain you from your blood. You're convinced that I'll let you rot here!

— Maybe I do! But can I be blamed, honestly? You killed your mother, with no emotions, no regrets!

When he saw that, Victor screamed a bit. Everything was already shocking but witnessing a murder was too much.

— With no emotions? He scoffed, looking at the ceiling. I was crushed! But the woman called me an abomination. She hid who I was my whole life and oh, she tried to kill me too! It was me or her.

Victor didn't say more, he was looking at his first love with a sad face. He was lost. What was he supposed to do? He wasn't sure if he was scared of Rafe. Right now, he wasn't sure of anything. He took a few steps back before turning and leaving the house quickly. It didn't matter if he had to take an hour to go back to his house, he needed time alone to think anyway.

Rafe stayed where he was for some moments. He looked around and every object reminded him of his mother, of her betrayal. He took a vase and threw it on the wall, same for the low table. He put his hands in his hair and pulled it screaming. He knelt, weeping. He felt broken, the person he loved the most thought he was monstrous, like everyone else. Someone walked down the stairs and put a hand on Rafe's shoulder, wanting to reassure him. It's going to be ok, said Ace who heard most of their argument.

He shook his head, No it's not, replied the heartbroken man.


Rain pouring. Hearts breaking. Tears falling. That was all you could sense.

There were many people, and most of them were hunters. It was silent, all were looking at the same thing: a coffin. The coffin where the mother and daughter were hanging on, crying the tears of their bodies. The tomb where Theron Banwell was resting in peace, or so everyone hoped.

Blair stood up, wiping away her tears. She motioned for Ace to take Brielle and he followed her order. We closed the coffin and put it where Theron will be for the end of time. Then the widow was given a shovel and she took some dirt and put it in the grave.

Robin was next, then Ashley, then Ace who did it a second time, taking Brielle with him. He couldn't understand the pain she was feeling, he did his best to at least take some of it away. He was hesitant to "force" Brielle to bury her father, but as soon as she whispered a weak thank you, he smiled.

Rafe also attended the hunter's funeral, it took a lot of thought for him to come. For him, it was all his fault. It was out of respect to show up at the funeral of the man you killed. It was Blair who convinced him to come, not only to support Brielle but also to show him that no one blamed him, not even Theron would.

After in turn putting dirt in the tomb, Rafe moved aside and looked at Victor who looked sadly at the tomb. He too had presented himself, he had to do it. The revelations he had learned a few days before were futile for now. His gaze changed direction, landing on the vampire, no, the hybrid.

They didn't exchange a word but so many things were said. I love you, I'm sorry, don't be afraid of me; it was what stood out in Rafe's saddened expression. I still need time, I still love you; that was what stood out from Victor's. They did not approach, They did not move.

Rafe let out a sigh and started to walk out of the graveyard, his head down. What was going to happen now? His life but not only his had changed. All because he came here. Maybe he needed to leave. Maybe he needed to be gone. He stopped in his movements to observe everyone. He nodded, holding back his tears.

They were going to be better without him.


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