Chapter 193 : Coming to A Close

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The article covering what happened to Qilangos wasn’t long, and all it stated was the time, place, people involved, and the outcome. As the saying goes, the more succinct the content, the more serious the situation.

Something that happened in Backlund at eight or nine last night is already being reported in Tingen City this morning. The spread of information in this world isn’t too slow due to the exceptional contributions of Emperor Roselle. It must’ve been one of the nobles or ministers who attended the ball who leaked this information to some reporter, then that reporter used the telegraph to send this sensational news to the news companies in various counties...

The morning papers are usually drafted at night and printed after midnight before being distributed in the morning. There was just enough time to make changes and publish this article...

Just based on this news, the Tingen Morning Post would be able to sell an extra thousand copies. And that’s only considering just this city...

Klein’s thoughts became more and more distracted before finally calming down.

Since Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos is dead, that means that even if Mr. Azik is injured, it wouldn’t be too serious...

If it was serious, he definitely would’ve been captured by the Mandated Punishers or Duke Negan’s Beyonder bodyguards that were in pursuit of Qilangos. And when facing such a situation, Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man would definitely try their best to report it to me. The latter not happening is enough to indicate that everything is under control...

Yes, if Mr. Azik doesn’t give me a reply, or if Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man do not pray to me by tonight, I’ll blow the copper whistle once again to summon the messenger and send over a letter of inquiry...

Relaxing, Klein shifted his attention away from the newspaper, then he surveyed the public carriage.

Most of the people who could afford transport like this could read, and under the influence of the term “extra,” many had bought the Tingen Morning Post. Now, a few of them were quietly discussing the incident.

“The King of Pirates and the admirals have been terrorizing the sea routes for a long time. They back off when they see the battleships of the various countries, but they don’t pay much regard to merchant ships... Even though Qilangos had only been inducted as one of the Seven Pirate Admirals for less than a decade, he’s the first to be killed by the government...”

“Frankly, I’m curious as to what he was doing in Backlund? When a pirate leaves the ocean, death is a foreseeable outcome.”

“Let’s hope that there will be a more detailed report in the future.”

“Holy Lord of Storms, I wish to know which of Duke Negan’s bodyguards killed Qilangos. His bounty was a full 10,000 pounds!”

“10,000 pounds... If I had 10,000 pounds, I would immediately quit my job and buy two or three medium-sized nurseries. I would invest in the shares of some colonizing companies and railroad companies, and receive a stable dividend every year...”

“That’s only the bounty of this kingdom. Intis, Feysac, Feynapotter, and some merchant organizations also have bounties for Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos. I sure hope that there’s a newspaper that will give a full list of the bounties.”

10,000 pounds? Klein was shocked to hear that.

With his already impressive pay, he would have to take twenty years to be able to save up that much money even without eating or drinking.

If only... Forget it, there’s nothing I can do either. It would be impossible for me to claim the bounty... He folded the newspaper a little dejectedly and looked out the window of the carriage.

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