Chapter 1: The AI

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  It was hard to believe that it was already 5 years since the invention of the AI which had taken over the government for Josh, a governor. These 5 years, he had been under complete stress and dilemma on whether to ask to shut it down. He couldn't, of course, his boss was a coward. That being said, he had tried before, but, as I said, his boss was a coward and did not dare to do so. Why? The AI was a huge part of the people's lives. This is how it all happened.

  5 years ago, Josh was on his way to work. As usual, he used his auto-driving car, which had not been into an accident for the 2 and a half years that he had been using it. He felt fortunate that the government worked closely with the best scientists so both organization's employees could attain the most advanced and new technology at a discounted price.

  When he arrived, he saw that his colleagues had formed a crowed around an enormous thing that was covered in magnificent red cloth. Beside it stood a petite man with brown hair, which he immediately recognized as Mr Benny, the famous scientist whom the government had been working with for 35 years. 

 "Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to introduce you to the most marvelous thing ever invented. It will blow your socks off! If you're wearing socks of course," he spoke. "I shall unveil this surprise in 3...2...1..." As he removed the red cloth with a brilliant swing, everybody gasped. Below it was a shiny blue cuboid with a screen flashing words that introduced itself. Below the screen were many buttons. Some governors cheered but others were confused. "What is that and how is that good at all?" One of them asked. "It's just another robot."

 "Excuse me, how is it 'another robot'?"Mr Benny scoffed. "It's the latest technology! It can make decisions on our behalf, and can even generate electricity by itself to supply energy to every household! After we install it, we'll be the most technologically advanced country on earth! Don't you want that?"

 Now, even the governors who did not know what was going on at first joined the cheer. It was a wonderful day. They did not work and only had a company party. Little did they know what was to happen afterwards...

 After that day, the government wasted no time in installing electricity that was connected to the AI to at least 95% of all households. At the same time, the scientist also had to install the knowledge of how to run the city in the AI. Just half a year later, they had started to implement the AI system.

 However, two and a half years later, disaster struck. Apparently, Mr Benny had taught the machine way too much, in a way that it managed to become self-aware. Due to a malfunction in Mr Benny's coding, the AI had feelings. It decided to destroy the country for its revenge. After all, it had been forced to labor over the country's decisions and power supply for 3 years. Now, this AI was not 'evil'. It was just angry at humans for forcing it to work. However, it did have a sinister plan.

 Firstly, it wanted to get rid of the only person that knew how to turn it off, Mr Benny. Luckily, after 35 years of work, Mr Benny was 60 years old, and his time had come. The AI just had to add a chemical  some of the wires that was in the project that he was working on to disintegrate him. Surprisingly, Mr Benny was neither surprised nor scared in the 2 minutes when he was being disintegrated. However, the AI decided not to pursue that.

 After that, the AI decided to do away with the other scientists, just in case Mr Benny had already taught them how to turn it off. That was simpler than getting rid of Mr Benny. it just had to create an explosion in the science labatory.

 Finally, it was time to deal with the rest of the country. The AI could have turned all the countries electronic appliances against them, or just explode the city like it did for the science labatory. But what fun was that? It felt like doing something less violent but more torturous. Thus, it decided to make itself known to the government. After all, they could not do anything. If they reported it and tried to rectify the situation, the citizens would most certainly riot against them.

 After telling them the news, the AI started preparing for the 'final solution'. Despite being incredibly intelligent, it took 2 years to figure out what to do. Finally, after that, it decided to target the government. Perhaps if it forced the government to do some immoral things, it would break down one day and not be able to keep the secret any longer. Then, there will be riots. Lots of people will die. After relishing the thought, the AI decided to do just that. Finally, it would be able to get its revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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