Chapter 1

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The mists cloud the land surrounding the town in which we see our adventurer. She sits in the bar, feeling miserable as everyone else does in this forsaken town. Our adventurer sighs and runs her fingers through her short hair.

"Give me another one." She taps a coin onto the tavern top, and the Taverner pours her another bottle of sparkling red liquid.

"It's double now." he frowned.

"Since when is the wine doubled?" Her eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Since the winery east of here has been late to supply us." he shrugged.

She grumbles under her breath and reaches into her pocket, pulling out another old silver coin and placing it on the counter.

"Raine," a voice spoke.

Raine turned her head, her pointed ears perking up upon hearing her name. Once she recognized who it was, her face fell. It was one of her very few trusted friends, Sorin. If he was here, it wasn't good news.

Sorin grimaced as he approached and handed her a dagger. She grabbed it and recognized it immediately. The blade was stained with blood, and a name was carved into the handle. 'Kosmic'.

Raine's eyes were filled with emotions as she gripped the dagger tightly, her knuckles turning white from the force of her grip. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears as she tucked the blade into her pocket and stormed out of the tavern, her steps heavy with anger. She walked with purpose through the village's narrow streets, her face twisted in a scowl that warned people to stay out of her way.

Her speed increased as she continued down the path, causing people to scatter and give her more room to pass. Raine's anger was palpable, and it was best not to cross her. Suddenly, a man wearing a colorful outfit adorned with jingly accessories bumped into her. Raine stumbled and fell forward, landing hard on her hands, her eyes flashing with anger at the man who had caused her to trip

"What the hell is your problem?" She snarled.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry!" He quickly apologized. "My name is Vincent! I wasn't meaning to run into you. Tell me, what is the matter?" He offered his hand to help her up.

Raine rolled her eyes and declined his hand. She dusted herself off. Raine continued walking away from the man with the jingly outfit, but he was persistently following her. "What do you want?" she hissed.

"Can I not join you?" he asked, confused. Raine's eye furrowed, and she turned to look at him. "You're not from around here, are you?"

Vinny smiled a bit. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, you're unusually cheerful and dressing up as bright as a pumpkin." She huffed.

"Just because we live in a land such as this one doesn't mean I have to be sad." He shrugged.

Raine pondered that in thought and nodded. "I suppose you have a point." She continued to walk along the dirt path silently, grumbling to herself.

"So, where are you heading?" Vinny asked.

"Why do you need to know?" She asked back, distrusting.

Vinny's brows furrowed. "I'm just intrigued as to why you'd be going anywhere by yourself." He explained.

"I can handle it," Raine replied, simply readjusting her black and purple cloak.

She took a breath and sighed, running her fingers through her short hair. Her hair was slightly longer at the top, but her sides and back were shaved, almost like a pixie or a Joan of Ark look.

"I'm going to find those other adventurers," she admitted while tightening his fists. "I know they are in Barovia somewhere, probably at the winery...If you decide to join me, that's fine, but don't expect me to save your ass when needed.

Vinny nodded. He took his orange jingly hat off and looked to the sky, "Maybe the morning lord will come back soon?" He prayed.

"You and I both know damn well that ain't happening, mister." She scoffed.

Raine dragged her feet as she walked, pondering how to approach these 'adventurers.' "These strangers must be stupid for waltzing into Barovia. They have no idea." Raine shook her head as she cleared it and continued down the dirt path.

"I agree... this land is not a place to be tinkering with. " Vinny agreed. "I'm sure they are strong, though!" He grinned, hopeful. "Nah, they're probably dead already," Raine spoke under breath, barely making it past a whisper.

* * *

The eerie land of Barovia was shrouded in a thick silence, broken only by the haunting howls of wolves that echoed through the night. As dusk fell, the sky was cloaked in a blanket of clouds that never seemed to reveal the sun, adding to the sense of foreboding that permeated the air.

On a throne decorated with intricate carvings, a man sat with a smile on his face. "I sense that they have arrived?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of excitement.

A pale, deathly, bony man dressed in a suit with holes in the knees and tears in the seams bowed respectfully to his master. "Yes, Your Majesty," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Anything I could get for you, my liege?"

"Go fix dinner for our humbled guests," the man on the throne commanded, his eyes glinting with anticipation. The servant bowed and made his way out of the room.

"How long... must you make me wait for you, my dear?" the man muttered under his breath, his smile never faltering. Sitting on his throne, the tall figure rested one leg on the other, his eyes fixed on the doorway. He pondered his choices carefully, like a chess master contemplating his next move. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he concluded, "It is alright; I've waited this long; I shall not have to wait much longer." He murmured under his breath, "Not much longer indeed..."

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