"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well... If it isn't S/N..." Bill chuckled suspiciously. You open your eyes to a vivid dream. You were lying on dry dead grass and Bill was floating right in front of your face. You sat up lazily, looked around, and then looked at Bill, "Uh, hello Bill... N-nice weather we're having, hm?" You muttered. You rubbed your eyes and then looked around your dream. It... Was... Pure... Chaos...

"Nice weather it is..." Bill said thoughtfully as he turned to look where you were looking. Everything was on fire, the grass was dry, and the sky was red... Stone statues of people were littered everywhere, and you were in the middle of a burned-down forest. You stood up to look to the side and saw a red waterfall simply defying gravity.

A black cane appeared in Bill's hand, and then he poked you with it and chuckled happily, "I like how you consider this a dream! Instead of a nightmare..." You sighed, "Eh, my mind's on fire. What else could you say?" Bill laughed with you at your pun. "I like you, kid. I thought that you being Pinetree's friend... You would suck," Bill seriously stared at you, looking a bit annoyed and mad. "That's kind of mean to Dipper, isn't it? He's not that bad. I mean- why else would I be friends with him?" You pointed it out. What did Dipper do to Bill? "Oh, well... He ruined my fun and chaos..." Bill said, leaning on his cane. "Dipper, Mabel, Ford, Stan, Wendy, Soos, and Pacifica are my friends. And, I'm sorry if they did something bad to you," You sincerely explained. Bill rolled his eye, "Kid, I forgive that you're friends with them. Just don't bother me about them... Or them about me..."

You sighed, "Well, what about the journals? Why did you invade Stan's mind?" Bill chuckled and again poked his cane at you, "Well, S/N... There was a deal I had made with Gideon. If you didn't know... I make deals..." Deals? "Precisely, kid. I'm a Dream Demon, invading and being in people's minds is my thing," Bill chuckled. "Th-that's so cool! But... How do you know so much?" You asked. The whole abandoned candy factory thing... "I know lots of things... LOTS OF THINGS..." Bill's voice became very deep and serious at the last part. "Oh, and I remember I called you a muse... Giving me knowledge, and uncertain amenity... I don't know, I'm sorry, I just thought I would note it..." You mention. "Wow, you remind me of Sixer... Why use such words as amenity? Anyway, if you keep on reading Journal 3, you'll eventually find out," Bill snickered. You sighed, and there was an awkward silence.

You sat down on the dead grass, "So, how much time do we have left until I wake up?" Bill thought about it briefly, "In dream time or real life?" What did that mean? "You know when like... You feel like you spend an hour in a dream but you sleep much more than that?" Bill was annoyed at your stupid question. You nod. Bill continued, "Well, in dream time it will feel like five minutes from now... And in real life, it will be about 1 hour later." You thought about it, and that makes sense...

"You know what... I have a question for you..." Bill asked, leaning on his cane in front of you. "Yes? Continue..." You said. Bill adjusted his bowtie, "Why did you never question that I'm a triangle?" Bill expressed questioningly. "Why am I a human?" You answered with a question. All Bill did was widen his eye in surprise at your answer. You decided to give more detail, "I mean, there is no reason to ask why you're a triangle. The same question could apply to me. Why am I a human? Why are humans human-shaped? I also think it's kind of weird to ask the obvious... But, why are you a triangle, anyways? If we're on that topic now..." Bill chuckled, "Oh, well then. That checks out... And I'm a triangle because I'm a being of pure energy with no weaknesses! I come from the second dimension. Flat minds, in a flat world, with flat dreams... Glad I liberated that dimension and everyone in it!" Bill laughed hysterically. He's insane! But... If that place was that bad... I couldn't imagine living in a world like that myself...

Bill laughed so hard that he sounded short of breath. You chuckled nervously with him. "Well, bye kid!" Bill snapped.

You woke up all sweaty, why is it so hot in here? You jump out of bed and walk downstairs. You go down and see Dipper and Mabel downstairs drinking something, "Guys? Why is it so hot in here?" Dipper glances at you and places down his drink, "It's starting to get hot since Summer started. The place is starting to heat up, that's why we're downstairs drinking lemonade."

You decide to go to Greasy's Diner once again. "So, there's this game thing where if I'm strong enough I get free pancakes?" "Yeah! I tried it and learned that it's hard. It's not worth it-" Dipper got cut off by you, "I WANT TO TRY IT!" And... You win? Dipper stares in shock as Mabel cheers, "PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES FOR EVERYONE!" Dipper looks defeated at your win but still enjoys the pancake that you gave to him.

"Shandra Jimenez reporting: On June 2013, Tuesday 11, a group of four has been exploring the town. And they defeated a living, abandoned candy factory. The factory has been forgotten for many years. And we're here to interview them about how they did it."

Dipper stared in shock. Jimenez walked over to you, "The captain of the team was the one who saved them and the town, what's your name and how did you do it? How did you find out how to defeat the horrid thing?" You spit out your drink from shock as you stared at Jimenez. "My..." You remember that you are a runaway from home, and if this news spread, that this was the end of your life in Gravity Falls. You hesitated, but in the end, you answered, "My name is F/N L/N."

Dipper whispered to you in your ear, "What is happening here?" In response you shrug, still looking at Shandra Jimenez. "So, Y/N, how did you defeat the creature?" Jimenez continued. "F-first of all, I'm not the captain as you called me... And second, I'm not sure what you're talking about..." You hesitated. "The living candy factory, how did you defeat it?" Jimenez explained to you. The whole camera crew was pointing intensely at you, "W-well what do you mean I defeated it? All I did was open a door with a press of a button to let me and my friends escape..." You explained with confusion. Jimenez replied, "Thank you for telling us. It has been a pleasure talking with you, Y/N." But then Shandra Jimenez leaned over to you and held the microphone further away, secretly whispering to you, "And the government is willing to give you a million dollars not to say a word about it." Before you could say anything to her, she stood up straight and said into the microphone, "We got our words from the main hero, what does the rest of the group have to say about this?" And the first person she pointed the microphone to was Dipper, he excitedly squealed. He breathed in and started, "My name is Dipper. And I am a friend of Y/N. And I am an adventurer! I come from California. And-" Dipper kept on talking. He was talking so fast that it all sounded like one word. Jimenez interrupted, "Thank you for sharing, Dipper." She then pointed the microphone to Mabel, "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! I CAN BELIEVE I'M ON THE NEWS! Hi! My name is Mabel and I love sweaters, pigs, boys, my family, and my friends!" Mabel excitedly yelled. Then the microphone was pointed to Ford, "My name is Stanford Pines. And I'm an adventurer and supernatural analyst and journalist." Jimenez brought up the microphone to her mouth, "This mystery has been solved. Thank you for sharing... Y/N, Dipper, Mabel, and Stanford. It has been a pleasure talking to you."

Jimenez walks out, but right before she does, she whispers to you, "Come meet the government for the money at Greasy's Diner tomorrow at noon, exact time..."

P.S. The difference between Y/N and F/N L/N is that Y/N can be used as your first name, last name, or first and last name. It's that the name that's used for you doesn't matter, only the fact that it's referring to you. But F/N L/N gives more specificity on what is used to refer to you. And gives more information on what type of situation something is. If it's formal, informal, or whatever. And S/N stands for "Symbol Name." Only Bill uses this. I can't imagine Bill saying my name like, "HEy, ANnA (Pronounced like Aunna)." But, you CAN interpret it like your own name because Bill calls Gideon by his name, or like a nickname because he used Fordsy when talking to Ford. Anyway, have a good day, and have fun reading!

Down With the Deals (Bill Cipher x Reader) [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now