𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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song of the chapter: bigger than the whole sky by taylor swift

"goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. you were bigger than the whole sky."


     I was hanging at the theatre watching the rehearsal. I wasn't paying much attention. There were people in brown cloaks and weird masks slowly walking toward a crouched down Sid.

"All behold the dreaded fate of Troy that once stood proud and light upon the hills of Sparta!" they chanted. Bricks were falling from the building behind them.

"Now shrouded in the deathly smoke of ruin, her royal children pitched from her walls, her people driven through her ruins," they continued.

I chuckled at the stupid choreography. I'd never understood why people did theatre. They continued as Sidney rose up.

"No crime against gods or man have I committed, save to speak the truth," Sid recited.

"And each hideous vision born from my mind has come to pass," they all said. 

"Troy has fallen, not by my hand or wish, but as I foresaw," she continued.

A man with a mask came down from the ceiling strapped to a star or something.

"So now, fate's vengeful eye is fixed on me," she said.

The man on the "star" looked over and pointed at her. Everyone turned around and raised fake knives.

"Tell us, O Cassandra, where has the sweetness of life gone?" They asked as they attacked.

        They passed her along them as they continued to chant. I looked at her face and knew something was wrong right away. I saw everyone raising knives and yelling as she was knocked over again and again.

"Something's wrong," I mumbled to Hallie.

"She's acting," Hallie reminded me. I shook my head.

"It's not acting," I told her.

        I looked over at the director and could tell he realized it too. She screamed loud as she ran into someone. That person quickly bolted as she was knocked down. That's when I realized why she was scared. He had been there.

"All right, hold it. Hold it!" the director instructed.

        They all took their masks off looking worried. Hallie stood up. I ran onto the stage and put an arm around her.

"Where was he?" I asked her.

"Everywhere," she whispered. I nodded and helped her up. We went out of the back way.

"Is he still here?" I asked her as we stood by some buttons and ropes that meant nothing to me.

"I doubt it," she wiped her eyes.

"Sid! Your escort has arrived," we heard. I looked over and saw Derek walking towards us.

"Derek, how long have you been here?" she asked.

"I just got here," he explained.


        I got in my car, too disturbed to play music. I couldn't figure any of this out. Why was this happening again? What did we do?

    I picked up my phone and started dialing Dewey. I had to tell him about what happened at Sidney's rehearsal. I was started to get wary.

"What's up?" I heard on the other line.

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