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As the alcohol begins to take hold, my thoughts become fuzzy and disconnected. I find myself thinking about random things, my mind jumping from one idea to the next without much coherence.

As Anna and I drank more after we got out of the bathroom, my thoughts became more and more disjointed. I fell myself losing track of time and space, unable to focus on any one thing for more than a few seconds at a time.

In my drunken state, I start to feel a sense of euphoria, as if all of my problems have suddenly disappeared and I love this feeling.

I have achieved my goal. I just wanted to forget that terrible day and I did that successfully.

With my phone in one hand and the banister in the other, I slowly try to walk up the grand staircase while my head is spinning like crazy. The last two drinks I had with Anna were not a good idea at all and I already regret them terribly. 

At one moment, I was thinking about how much I love my friends and how happy I am to be spending time with them, but this changed the moment they all disappeared, leaving me alone.

Anna took our conversation literally and therefore disappeared into a room with a guy fifteen minutes ago, leaving me alone with my drink. 

I was able to catch Joey and Tim at the exit just in time, only to be left by them too because they didn't like being there anymore. 

George has been somewhere with that girl all night, which means my only option is Luke, who is nowhere to be found. I'm serious, I tried calling his phone, but it went straight to voicemail. I've even searched every room in this whole house, but accidentally caught some teenagers making out. I mean, who doesn't lock the door when they want to fuck? That's literally the first thing I would think of.

Arriving at the top of the second floor, I breathe out exhausted, my legs already shaky because of the alcohol while a great need for sleep overtakes my body. I could probably lie down in one of the rooms and take a little nap there, but I don't want to spend the whole party sleeping. Since we've been here I haven't really done much besides drinking and looking for my friends, so I can't go to sleep now. 

My eyes scan the crowd on the second floor and I realize to my relief that there aren't as many here as on the other floors. The floor is still filled with loud music, flashing lights, and people shouting to be heard over the noise, but it's not as loud as downstairs.

I walk around the room, hoping to spot Luke in the crowd, but have no luck.

"Yo, listen up." I suddenly hear a familiar voice calling out; I turn around only to not see anything for a short moment because I got so dizzy that I have to close my eyes. 

However, when I open them again and see the person who called, a huge smile spreads across my lips and I walk towards Luke, who at that moment climbs onto one of the tables. 

Relief spreads through my body since I finally found him while a slightly big crowd forms around him as well as people looking up at him on the lower floors. 

"Cups up, motherfuckers!" He calls out, his cup in his right hand while he has a bottle in his left, both holding up in the air. A grin forms on my lips as the people around us start cheering with their cups in the air too. 

Another mystery is solved when I see George and the girl appearing next to me, one arm wrapped around her as she smiles at him. At least I found some of my friends again. 

While I look at George he has to hold on to the girl because he's so unsteady on his feet, compared to which I can stand really well. When George sees me, a wide grin forms on his lips as he gives me a nod before looking back at Luke.

Secrets - Grand Army (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ