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Arriving at the party, I can already hear the loud music from outside as we walk past a few people which are standing in front of the house. I have to hold onto Anna's arm lightly as we walk up the stairs so I don't stumble too much and fall down the stairs. 

It would suck if I hurt myself before I even arrive at the party.

When we started drinking at my house I overdid it a bit since now, even though we've only just gotten to the party, I can't even walk straight and my head is spinning a little. My idea to drink shots wasn't the best; one quickly became four and it just kept going. 

I wouldn't say I'm drunk, but if I'm gonna drink more it won't take long before I'm drunk. 

Luckily for me, I can tell that the girls aren't quite sober anymore either, because they walk up the stairs  -half laughing, half singing-  just like me.

We slowly follow the boys, which are running up the stairs to finally get to the party. George ran after a girl a little earlier, so now it's just Tim and Luke ahead of us.

"He was fast." I call amused over the music so they can hear me as I look over at George and the girl I saw in the locker room this morning. Joey and Anna both look in the direction before Joey turns back to me with raised eyebrows. 

"Apparently no stick up her ass, huh?" She calls, reminding me of our conversation about her this morning. I nod with a grin while still looking at him, sticking his tongue down her throat in the middle of the couch.

Somehow I even feel a little sorry for her now. Knowing George, he won't want anything serious from her.

"Poor girl." Anna adds, knowing just as much as we do that George is playboy and mostly just takes advantage of them. I'm not thrilled about it, but I can't stop him and I don't want to either. I'm not his mother.

"Gracie will freak out when she sees this." My voice says, unable to hide my slight amusement as I cast my eyes over the crowd to see if Gracie is anywhere around. 

Gracie and George fuck from time to time, however, Gracie is so obsessed with him that she gets very jealous when he just talks to other girls. I'm pretty sure George even likes it. 

Without success in finding her, I look back at the girls but before I can say anything, they pull me to a table where Luke and Tim are standing.

Countless bottles of alcohol are on the table, but my attention is on Luke who hands me a cup before he makes himself a drink too, which he immediately puts to his lips. A grin forms on my lips at his kind gesture, but shortly afterwards I raise my eyebrows and put my hand on my hip.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I ask with the same smirk on my lips after taking a sip of the drink and making a face at the strong alcohol.

Even tho I've drunk alcohol often enough by now, it doesn't stop being disgusting, which is why I usually only drink strong alcohol, which makes me drunk quickly without having to drink much of it.

"I thought you wanted a little distraction?" I hear him say in his defense while shrugging his shoulders. 

I bite my lip while raising my eyebrows, just looking at him since I don't know what I should say. For a little moment, his eyes go to my lip which is between my teeth as a small grin forms on his lips. The guy is always smiling, looking way too good while doing it.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Without answering him, I turn back to Joey and Anna, which are already in a conversation with Gracie, who is sitting on one of the many couches near the table. The pregnancy test that Joey bought her after school is on the coffee table in front of her as they hug. I look at them both with a smile while I take another sip of my drink and try not to make a face. 

Secrets - Grand Army (18+)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora