Chapter 11 - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Start from the beginning

"She's not safe with either one of you. A young girl should not be with two young men, it's sick."

"How would you know? We were fine for the past week."

"But all three of you sleep in one hotel room. Do you prance around in towels in front of her? Does she not change in the room?"

Dean shook his head, "We have a schedule, when she showers, and we take a walk for 20 minutes. When we're in the shower, we take our clothes into the bathroom. She's offered to go for a walk, but I find it safer like that. And the one room thing is fine; we would rather have money for food than lodging. My god dad, she drove for 15 hours straight the other night to save your ass!"

Sam and Alana had woken to that sentence and she blushed. Okay, lying with her brother wasn't good, but she wanted to protect him. "Dean? Dad? Is everything alright?"

"Get out of that bed right now young lady and get dressed. You're leaving for your Aunt's today and no lip from you either missy."

She looked at Sam with sad eyes and got out of bed, grabbing her bag and making her way into the bathroom. She slammed the door and locked it, leaning against the door and began to cry. She hated her father, hated him for tearing her away from the only family she had left.

She walked over to the shower and turned the water on hot, shedding her clothing before stepping in. She let the hot water roll over her pale skin, burning it. She wanted to feel the pain in her back, try to erase the memories of her father leaving her behind as a child.

"Oh god!" she cried as she fell to her butt, crying tears she hadn't cried in years.

In the other room Sam looked at his father in anger, "How could you do that to her! She has no one dad! Aunt Darlene isn't even family to her and you're sending her away! My god, what the hell is wrong with you!"

"She needs to be with a woman, it isn't proper for her to be around you two. She's a young girl that needs a firm hand."

"She's 21 for god's sake! She's old enough to make her own decisions!" he spitted.

"She's going and that's final."

"I think Sam's right dad, we need her. Alana has only us and you. As long as she is with us, she's safe."


"No dad, I'm finished, I'm not letting her go and that's my final answer."

John looked at his obedient son in shock. Never had he defied him before but Alana was a whole new ball game. She was a girl and vulnerable to the attacks.

"Fine Dean, but if anything happens to her, it's on your shoulders. Now if we can get the princess out of the bathroom, the rest of us can get changed and we can be on our way.

Sam walked over to the door and knocked; he heard the crying and found the door locked. "Alana? What's wrong?"

He heard her sniffle, "I'll be right out Sam.' she said, trying to cover the sadness in her voice.

Sam turned to his father, "Good going dad, you made her cry."

"Another reason why she shouldn't be with either of you. She'll just keep you from doing your job!"

"Shut it." Both Sam and Dean said in unison as the door opened and Alana came out dressed in black jeans and white tank top. Her wet hair pulled into a messy ball.

"I'm done, I'm going out to get coffee, and I'll be back." She said and grabbed her other bag and left the room, three sets of eyes watching after her.

"Now you've gone and done it." Sam said and entered the bathroom to shower.


Outside Alana walked across the parking lot to the small café. The exterior was rusty but the inside was immaculate. She took a seat at the counter and ordered a cup of coffee from a plump size waitress who had a wonderful smile. Alana sighed, how would life be at a house and not on the road? How would she bear giving this all up?

"Miss? Would you like anything to eat?" the waitress asked.

She shook her head, "No thank you." She said and smiled as she sipped her black coffee.

"Well if you need anything sweetie, my name is Peggy Sue. Just give me a holler and I'll get you something."

"Thank you." Alana said and looked back to her coffee, losing herself in her thoughts.

She sat there, gingerly sipping her coffee, unaware that her father and brothers had entered the café and both Sam and Dean were now sitting on either side of her. She looked up in surprise and the light in her eyes dimmed as their father took a seat next to Dean.

"I'll be in the car." She said and Sam grabbed her arm, lightly coaxing her back into her seat.

"You're staying with us Alana."

She looked at him in shock. "What?"

"Dad caved in after we talked to him. You're coming with us."

She hugged both Dean and Sam, whispering a thank you to her father. He nodded and stood. "Well boys, I'm off, my ride's here. You take good care of your sister, you hear?"

They nodded, "We will sir and thank you."

He nodded and left the small café, leaving the Winchester siblings to watch after him.

"He means it, I'm staying?" she asked.

Dean put an arm about her shoulder, "Well taking you out of the equation would leave us to be dull. So you're better off with us."

She punched him in the arm, "And I'll get even, just remember that."

He grinned and they all ordered breakfast, waiting for the day to begin.

Winchester Siblings: Capture (Book 1) (A Supernatural Series)Where stories live. Discover now