Miles x reader

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(Miles pov)
I was walking through swellview when I seen this gorgeous girl she has long h/c (hair color) and pretty e/c (eye color) she was looking at a stores with I think her friends her friends told her I was looking at her and she looked at me smiled and and walked up to me she asked my name and I told her miles she said her name is y/n I said that's a pretty name she said thank you we talked and then she asked can we exchange numbers I said sure and she handed me her phone and I handed her my phone we exchanged numbers and texted each other
(Time skip)
Me and y/n have been texting back and forth for almost a month we have met up and talked today I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know how to go about it so I texted her and asked if she wanted to go to her F/R(Favorite restaurant)

(Text bold miles non-bold y/n)
Hey y/n
  Hey miles
Y/N i was wondering if  you wanted to go to your F/R today at 4
Yeah miles sure we can meet at F/r at 4 umm is that all?
Yeah bye y/n see you at 4
Ok bye miles and see you at 4🙂

I made it to the restaurant waiting for y/n once she got there she looked gorgeous we sat down she had shrimp pasta and I hade a steak we ate and talked I than took her to a pro we sat down and talked until I finally asked y/n do you want to be my girlfriend she said yes and kissed me I kissed her back we sat and watched the night sky and talked until it was time to go home I walked her home and then went home and told Bose

Part 2 will be posted later

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