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Yesterday was a rather uneventful day. You went grocery shopping and got school supplies, but that was about it. 

Surprisingly, you still haven't met your roommate. She'd always arrive home late when you were already sleeping, and because you also would wake up late, she'd already be gone.

 It's a shame you haven't met yet, but you would most likely see her tomorrow morning

You're more nervous than you thought you'd be, for your first day of classes today. Without a roommate to show you the ropes, you're on your own. You don't like getting lost, especially in new places, and that only adds to your growing anxiety. Despite that, you push through, brushing your teeth and washing your face before heading downstairs.

As soon as you step foot in the kitchen, you're hit with the sweet aroma of pancakes.

You make your way to the kitchen and notice a girl sitting on a stool, lost in her phone while consuming a stack of thick, steaming pancakes. Despite not having her face turned towards you, you can still make out her raven-black hair, which looks like it's been styled to stand out. You also notice her gym-friendly attire, a comfortable-looking sports bra and leggings.

"Hey", you greet her, she looks up in surprise, setting her phone down and turning to face you. You then notice that she has the most flawless skin you've ever seen - her cheeks are slightly pink, and her eyes are a dazzling blue/greyish gradient that shimmers like the ocean. You find her utterly stunning.

"Oh sorry, you startled me" she left out a little chuckle.

 "My bad i didn't think you would be up this early" you said before grabbing some yoghourt from the fridge.

"It's just that I had planned to go for a workout before my classes, and I wanted to eat something. I can't go empty-handed, don't you agree?" she asks, trying to justify her early start.

"That's funny because i actually need to start working out more, so if you're looking for a gym buddy, please don't hesitate to ask me." you spoke as you set down your bowl of yogurt and sat on one of the stools.

 "Really, I've been trying to get my other friend to come with me, but she's too lazy." She then looks at me like she had just realized something.

 "I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mikasa." She gave you a small smile.

 "I am y/n," you replied, smiling back.

You find out that Mikasa has an 8 a.m. class, whereas your first class of the day starts at 9:15. She offers to invite you to sit with her and her friends during lunch so that you don't have to sit alone. 

You gladly accept the invitation and begin to feel a warmth in your heart towards her. You've only known her for a short while, but already, you find yourself naturally drawn to her calming presence. Nevertheless You're glad to have her as your roommate.

It's a some time past 8:00am, and your roommate, Mikasa, has already left for her classes. You decide it's time for you to start getting ready, so you head upstairs to your room. 

You start out by applying light makeup, debating between two outfits before settling on loose black cargo pants and a tight long-armed black shirt. You tie your hair up in a ponytail and you're ready to go. You take a moment to look in the mirror, ensuring everything is neat and tidy before gathering your backpack and water bottle. 

You lock your door, exit your dorm, and step outside into the warm summer air. You put on your headphones and play "After the storm"

As you continue to walk you feel the heat is already starting to get to you. You have about 30 minutes to get to class, but you're dying for a Starbucks to cool off.

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