Part 3 ~meeting~

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Once I turned around I saw Liz with three other people waving her hand with a smile spread across her face
"Oh hey Liz" I said and waved back me and Lily walked up to the group "you sure do work a lot" Liz said "oh I'm not working today is my day off me and Lily decided to get some coffee" I said to her "oh that's nice me and my friends are getting some to" she said I smiled and looked over at the other people in her group one was about Liz's height and had blonde hair another slightly taller and brown hair then I looked at the last person she was pretty tall she had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes
"Oh where are my manners"
Liz said.

"this is Nikki" she said pointing to the blonde who waved with a small smile
"This one right here is Rachel" gesturing to the slightly tall brown haired girl "and this is my best friend Amanda" she said pointing to the pretty girl "hello everyone it's a pleasure meeting you this is my friend Lily" I said we're putting on arm around her shoulders she smiled and waved"hello"
"We were actually just about to sit down if you guys want to join us" Liz said with a small smile I looked over at Lily who nodded her head "sure" i say.

We sat at a booth Lily to the right of me and Liz to the left of me. Amanda was in front of me with Nikki to her right and Rachel to her left.
"So how did you guys meet" Amanda said gesturing to me and Liz.
"Well funny story" Liz said well giggling
"I was walking out of this coffee shop well she was walking in with her friend and I kind of spilled my drink on her" she said nervously
"Well to be fair I wasn't looking where I was going either" I said trying to make her feel better she smiled at me
"Hey don't feel bad" Lily said "you should have seen y/n on her first day here" she said with a smile "you said we would not talk about that again"I said getting embarrassed
"You said we weren't going to talk about it again" she said with an evil grin across her face
"So basically she had an order she had to take out to a booth two cups of hot coffee and a croissant" she said as she began the story "ughhh" I said I looked over at Amanda and saw her giggling all I did was stare her. smile... Was gorgeous.. suddenly I didn't feel so bad about her telling the story

"She tripped and knocked one of the cups of coffee over an old lady when she turned around to give her a napkin the other cup of coffee tipped off of the tray and onto a guy" at this point pretty much everybody at the table was laughing I was giggling a bit just seeing everybody else happy made me happy.
she continued
"and then both the old lady and the man stood up causing the tray and the croissant to fall which made y/n stumble back and fall she sat on the croissant this little boy who was supposed to get the croissant seen all this he started to cry" she said at this point gasping for air.
"That's pretty funny y/n Amanda said with a big smile on her face"
"Yeah ig it is" I said as I stared at her but I quickly looked away not wanting it to be weird

We all chatted for a while until Lily pointed out that it was getting pretty late and we have work tomorrow "hey guys I'm sorry to cut this short but it's getting pretty late and we have work tomorrow so we got to go" I said with a sad smile "oh man we had so much fun" Rachel said "yeah we still meet up some time again" Nikki said well pulling out her phone "do you think we can exchange numbers" Nikki said well holding her phone out "yeah" I say well grabbing her phone and putting my number in eventually me and Lily get everyone's number we leave the cafe "that was so much fun" Lily said well skipping down the sidewalk "yeah really was" I said with a big smile

I dropped Lily off at her apartment because it's on the way to mine we say bye and I start walking to mine the walk was nice and quiet so I took my headphones and played some music until I got to my apartment it was pretty late so I decided to just get in pajamas and lay down.
As I laid there I thought about everything today I met so many new people Rachel Nikki and Amanda.. Amanda was really pretty and really nice her eyes were ju-
Wait no no no are you crazy y/n you just met this girl she probably has a girlfriend she's probably not even gay and even so why would she date you nothing special you thought ugh but you couldn't stop thinking about her until your phone went off.
You look over and see that Amanda texted you.

Hey you up?

I'm trying my best with this I don't know how it's going so any feedback would be great
912 words

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