
Several hours passed when Louis left with Stella as the sun was already shining on top of the sleeping herd members, just sleeping peacefully. Sid was talking and tossing and turning in his sleep while the others weren't aware of anything

Out of reflex, Sid kicked Noa in her side and got startled awake

"Ow!" She yelled, but not hard enough to wake everyone up

She groaned as she yawned and stretched herself out, rubbing the eye boogers out of her eyes. Noa scanned around her and noticed Louis was gone, a weird gut feeling told her something was going on

"Guys, wake up!" Noa half-whispered and half-shouted, but they didn't wake up

She snorted and sighed as she stood up and walked straight into the woods, looking for Louis

"Louis?... Louis?" Noa called as she climbed to the top of a small hill and scanned the field beneath her, seeing nobody

Shrugging, she climbed down and went to look for a creek to drink. Climbing up a tree and gazing down, not being too high in the tree. As Noa spotted a small creek and was about to climb down, Ricky popped his head out of the leaves and greeted her abruptly


Noa yelled as she lost the grip on the tree and fell flat on her back with a loud thud, groaning in pain as she tried to get up while Ricky flew down

"Why'd you jump? You trying to fly like me?" Ricky cackled

"I didn't jump, I fell! All because you can't approach me like any other normal person" Noa sneered as she got up and put her hand on her lower back while walking towards the creek

"And you're normal? I gotta admit, there's nothing normal about you either" Ricky admitted as he followed her and watched her take a few sips from the creek

"Well, I meant 'normal' as in not scaring people out of their fur"

"Yeah, you don't have that much fur, so you won't jump out of it" Ricky mumbled as he jumped into the creek and took a bath, making it now impossible for Noa to drink any more water

"And again, thank you. Thank you for making the water filthy and undrinkable" Noa thanked him sarcastically as Ricky stuck his beak into the water and drank

"You think it's filthy, but I find it refreshing"

Meanwhile, Stella has led Louis to a pile of fallen trees and they were in fact seaworthy. But the pile was close to the cliff Stella had been that night, meaning the thing was close as well

While Louis was busy collecting wood, Stella stepped closer to the cliff and peered down, hoping he wouldn't come out and he didn't

Just as she was about to step back, a large hand grabbed her and pulled her towards him

"Gutt!" Stella gasped as she then immediately covered her mouth, praying Louis didn't hear that

"Are they here? Because they will be-"

"No, only the molehog! B-But give me more time and I'll get them all together right here" Stella promised as Gutt growled and released her

"I'd stick to my words if I were you, otherwise you'll be the chef's special" Gutt chuckled evilly as he disappeared into the cliff once again, back into the thick vines

Stella then went back to Louis and helped him with a few twigs

"Is that gonna be your boat?" Stella asked, trying to create a light mood

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