01 - and so, it changes.

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Perhaps entering a job where every day subconsciously becomes a question of life or death will subdue one wasn't the best choice. However, it was the fact that she had no other job offers that added to her motivation.

While most jobs given by the police were acquainted with crime & punishments, idiots, unequal statuses, dead souls, wicked animal farms, & people that were no longer human — the fun of it began to die down after a few months. It was after those few months that Genji realised she would mostly be running errands for other, higher-up coworkers.

Working for a private detective agency, it was only natural to expect errands to be passed down to the most useless workers since the others had more serious & demanding work. These errands went from writing reports to buying an abundance of sweets for the world's greatest detective. Every day was a mystery, a very boring one & see-through one.

Oh well.

The future of writing reports for the military police almost every day was more exciting than going grocery shopping. Sure, the danger was sometimes fun, yet grocery shopping was also better than the thought of a surprise attack from the mafia next door or ending up homeless.

Nevertheless, the future is unpredictable — that's quite simply common knowledge. Maybe yesterday, the building where the agency resides had to be bombed, but the mafia got bored of their plan & went to bomb something else. People change their decisions every day as fast as light reaches the dark & due to that, the future changes as fast as Kunikida catches Dazai slacking off again... Which is, unamusingly, a lot.

- Make sure his report is done by two o'clock, Genji. I have to send it in by three, and I want to make sure you did it according to the instructions. - Kunikida stated in a slightly irritated tone & she plopped down a few more papers onto her desk as she typed away.

- Yes, sir... - Genji replied with a sigh & leaned back in her chair.

- And sit properly, for once. - Kunikida patted her back with even more papers in his hand.

Genji immediately straightened her posture & relaxed her hunched shoulders. She pressed her lips into a thin line & Genji's typing speed quickened for a second from surprise before slowing down a few moments later.

- Oh, come on, Kunikida'kun. There's nothing to write about since all we have is just a few sightings in Tsurumi and somewhere around here. - a yawn escaped a different man's chapped lips. - Isn't that right, Atsushi'kun?

Atsushi turned around with an awkward smile on his face. He nodded quickly & muttered a quiet yes before he continued stacking books.

- Give your poor intern a break, won't you?

Kunikida stood near the dark brown, burgundy sofa with his hands on his hips like a disappointed pregnant woman, while the other on the seat continued to lounge around carelessly, as if unaware of the anger physically oozing from Kunikida. Genji quickly grabbed her small notebook & flipped to the most recently written entry. Genji smiled. The good part was nearing.

- I'd give the poor intern a break if you would've got your report done last week like you were supposed to, Dazai. - Kunikida's grip around the papers he was holding tightened. - How about you get off your ass and get to work so our interns shouldn't have to do more work than they're supposed to?

Dazai glanced at Tanizaki, who was putting away sweets. His eyes darted to Naomi sorting documents & then towards Genji, who was tiredly writing his report. Dazai shrugged.

- The more work they have, the more experience!

Dazai flashed Kunikida a bright smile & gave him a big thumbs-up while the man in front of him only groaned:
- Get to work already!

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