𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧.. 𝙃𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎?!

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✖︎ Izuku's POV unless said otherwise ✖︎


  It's Monday. The day everyone hates. The day school starts once again for another painful week. It's a whole cycle. It's not that I actually hate school.. I despise the people there. The teachers, my peers, the principal, even the freaking guidance councler are all against me! Just because I don't have something like long fingers or explosive sweat. So what if I don't have a quirk! People are weird.

 I walked up to the school gates as I tried to push my worries to a corner of my head. Everything's gonna be okay. It's just another week of school. Nothing much. Well, nothing much if you're someone like Kacchan. He just walks around like he owns the place and the teachers let him! My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my shoulder have a tingly feeling which soon turned into a burning sensation. I jumped up then turned around to face the exact guy I was thinking about. Kacchan. 

 "What the hell are you doing in my way Deku?" I don't like the way he uses that nickname. It always sounds like a threat. Like he wants to kill me. I wouldn't really put that past him though, considering the way he uses his quirk on me and the fact he's definitely not trying to make sure I don't die.

 "N-nothing Kacchan!" He looked at me with disgust as he kicked my leg and walked away laughing with his lackeys. Katsuki Bakugo. My childhood best friend, more or less a giant bully. We used to be inseparable! Attached at the hip, always by each other's sides. When he got his quirk and I didn't all our years of friendship before seemed to vanish. Now I was nothing more than a human punching bag for him. Sometimes I wonder.. if I had gotten a quirk, would we still be the best of friends? Oh dammit! I've been standing here for 10 minutes now!

 I started running and— woah.. I've never run this fast before! I was just at the gates and now I'm at the classroom door. Didn't know running that fast was even possible. Or maybe I zoned out in the middle of the run. I did that last week so It's not impossible but it's only been a minute since I was at the gates. Hm. Weird.

 Opening the door, I walked on and found half my classmates staring at me. What the— I could've sworn it was 8:25! Is everyone else late? Or did they skip school because I honestly have no idea what's going on. I walked to my desk but not before my teacher could hit me on the head with his hand. I wish he would stop that but, I asked before and he hit me again harder than the first time. I do not need another bruise thank you very much.

 Another 5 minutes passed and classes started. By the time it was third period, right before lunch I felt really sleepy but I just brushed it off. I was walking down the hallway when I saw Kacchan and his friends. Kacchan looked like he was in a bad mood and his two friends just pointed me out to him. This was definitely not going to end well for me. He looked me dead in the eyes but his face looked confused for a second before returning to it's usual scowl. What made him confused? I wonder..

 "Oi. Deku. Ready to have some f̷̨̯̻͔͙̼̈́̒̓̆͜͠ũ̶̻͕̦̝̱͉̲̬̎̌͌́͌̽̌̉͐ͅn̵̬̤̖̩̼̼̽͒͋̽̔͛̅́͝?" No, no I am not.

 Kacchan walked up to me with his two bootlickers to the point where they're right in my face. There was a big flash accompanied by a huge bang. I fell to the ground landing headfirst into the floor. Everything was blurry and everything sounded so far off than it should be.

 "Sh...! We...tta..h.d...im!" (Shit! We gotta hide him!)

 "..Whe...ough?" (Where though?)

 ".he..ath..oom..dum..ss!" (The bathroom dumbass!)

 Everything went dark after that. By the time I regained consciousness I realized I was in a bathroom stall. How long have I been in here? I lifted my hand to head to check for any injuries but there was nothing there.. now I feel really tired. I just have to look in the mirror and check for any injuries that's all! Even though I don't feel any pain anymore.. oh crap, did I finally go numb? Surprisingly, after being stuffed in a stall for I don't know how long; walking is really hard to do.

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