Song # 4 : You are the one

Start from the beginning

"Wait! Why are we running?" he said, catching his breath.

Sam made a face and chuckled after his statement. "Let's hurry. Someone may sit beside Christa."

They hurried and saw Skylar was with the trio. Sam spotted Louise, who looked like a mess. Her lips were pale and the absence of her cheerfulness was obvious. Louise looked in their direction and displayed a weak smile when she noticed both of them.

"Sam, Bobby!" she called. "What brought you two here? Have you eaten lunch yet?

"Are you okay, Lou? You look sick. Let's go to the clinic," Sam commented with concern.

An unfamiliar male student who sat beside Louise stood up and touched her head. "Let me go with you to the clinic. We need you to get checked," his eyes full of anxiety.

"Calm down guys. I can handle myself. I already took a pill. I should feel better later," she reassured everyone.

Bobby sat next to his sister, who was also there enjoying a meal with her friends. Reena, Bobby's older sister, broke the tension in the air.

"Listen up everyone. I haven't introduced you to this man," she pointed to the unfamiliar student. "Sam, Louise, I'd like you to meet our cousin [her and Bobby] Skylar. He's from the United States. He is Side's counterpart and delegate to the academy exchange program."

Sam acknowledged Sky's presence and nodded at him. "Welcome to the gang bro," he shook his hand and bumped their fists. Everyone was finishing their meals and their chatter was audible to passersby. He approached Louise and seized the moment to ask her.

"Lou, um- can I ask you a favor?" Sam asked.

"Sure. How can I help you?" Louise's response while hugging herself.

"Can I get Felicity's number? Please." His eyes pleaded.

Louise burst out laughing, sensing his intention. She decided to play hard to get in for a few minutes and gave in upon seeing Sam's persistence. "Here's my phone."

A broad smile appeared on his face as he scrolled through Louise's contact list. He returned her phone after extracting Felicity's number. He then started sending her text messages.

Sam: Hi Effie! Have you eaten lunch?

Effie: I'm sorry. Do I know you?

Sam: It's Sam. We met yesterday in District 9.

Effie: Oh, Sam! Of course, I remember you. Where did you get my number?

Sam: I asked your cousin Louise so we could connect. I mean friends.

Effie: Great effort, huh? Yeah, we can be friends.

Sam: Or more.. I guess.. Haha..

Effie: Sheesh! Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Sam: You know, I am always two steps ahead.

Effie: I get it. As you can see I'm always two steps behind so we are still going to end up in the same place.

Sam: Haha. Let's see. With a little bit of extra effort, you can break out of that pattern and find yourself in a better place.

Effie: [smiley face]

Sam and Effie's text message exchanges ended when the bell rang. Signaling lunch time ended and the six of them went back to their respective classes. They continued their day and their classes ended at 4:45pm.

Bobby and Sam walked out of their classroom when the last period ended. Bobby invited Sam to go to their house so they could play League of Legends. He was persistent about climbing up his rank but he needed a partner to help him.

"Bro, would you come over to our house so we can play LOL? I need a good teammate to rank up faster," Bobby burst Sam's bubble. He found that the latter was on his phone smiling while checking it. "Hey, you're distracted!"

"What were you saying?" Sam looked at him.

Bobby explained once more his intention and invited his best friend to their house.

"Nah. I can't today, bro. Mama instructed me to go straight home. Maybe next time?"

"I see," Bobby's face was crumpled. "I noticed that you have been on your phone a lot since lunchtime. Is that Sandy?"

"Sandy? Of course not! I'm texting Felicity. The girl of my dreams," Sam proudly said. "I am blessed I got to interact with her." A grin escaped from his face.

Bobby looked down and sighed. "I'm happy for you, man. I wish it could have been the same for me and Christa."

"Chill man. You know that I've been rooting for you. I would throw a party if you and my sister ended up together. It will be an honor to be your brother-in-law." Sam sympathized.

"Thanks for understanding me, man. I'm so lucky to have a friend and brother like you," Bobby said with relief.

"Of course. We're brothers for life. Promise me one thing. You'll never hurt my sister," Sam said.

"I'll take care of Christa more than my life." He promised Sam.

They continued their tracks to the school grounds and stopped a few meters away from the gate. Someone was calling them, so they turned to see who it was.

"Hey, Sam! Bobby! Wait for me!" Reena called out to them. Both males faced her in confusion. "Christa and I have a school presentation. We both agreed to practice at your house. Your sister briefly ran an errand to get some food for us." She explained.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's hang out at your house instead." Bobby blurted excitedly.

"Let's go!" Sam barked. The three students headed to the Silva residence.

SKZ Playlist: SAM - Sorry, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now