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WHILE MADDIE AND KIM WERE entering their school cafeteria, Kim was focussing on the apple she was playing with. She would throw it in the air, then catch it, then throw it again and that went on and on until she dropped it. As the apple was just about to hit the floor the boy who was standing in the lunch line caught it with his leg, in midair, blocking it from hitting the ground.

"Nice catch", Kim commented. "Yeah, it was almost cool.", added Maddie. The brown—haired boy raised his leg and catched the apple once again, but this time with his hand. "I'm Kim and this is Madelynn.", Kim introduced them both. "Nobody calls me Madelynn. It's Maddie.", the other girl corrected and earned a chuckle from them both. "I'm Jack. I'm new."

"Yeah I can tell. You still have that new guy smell.", Kim pointed at him and he just chuckled it off. "Um, can I have my apple back?", the blonde laughed awkwardly and he gave it to her. "Sorry. Maybe I'll see you around girls." "Maybe you will", Kim said and bit her lower lip. Jack ran up to some kid that called him and the girls went to their seat.

Maddie noticed how Kim's smile never left her mouth. "Whoa Kimmy, already forming a new crush?", Maddie winked at her best friend and got elbowed a second after. "Well were we looking at the same kid!? Did you see how cute he is!?", the older girl just laughed and continued to eat.

 "Well were we looking at the same kid!? Did you see how cute he is!?", the older girl just laughed and continued to eat

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MADDIE WAS RANTING TO KIM about some guys that she took down earlier that week, only to realise that her friend wasn't even listening to her, yet still staring at that new guy. "Oh my God seriously, you're still looking at that Jack kid?", she waved her hand over Kim's face, getting ignored again. "Okay, I officially give up.", she desperately threw her hands in the air. "Sorry, you were saying?", Kim asked cluelessly, like she just woke up from some trance.

This time Maddie also turned to where her best friend was looking and immediately recognised the students Jack was sitting with. They're Rudy's, hers sensei's rival, nerdy 'karate' students, or that's at least how they claim themselves as. But she personally never saw them kicking anything, except maybe for the all chances with girls they ever had. Like literally.

Kickin' It With You • Jack BrewerWhere stories live. Discover now