【 Searching 】

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· ●{ Initiated Searching }● ·


"I guess we should start heading to Sumeru now, I'm sure we're bound to find more information about this thing when we get there." Said Aether and Paimon agrees.

While in the middle of packing a few items they had bought at some point during their stay in Liyue, Aether hears a familiar voice echo through his head.

"Hey! Can you hear me? You should be able to!"

Aether raises a brow, uttering, "[N]...?"

"Huh? Did you say something?" Asked Paimon and Aether sheepishly smiled.

"Uh, it's nothing." Aether dismissed.

'I could've sworn I heard [N]...'

"That's because you can silly! I'm taking to you through head, so cool right? Heha!"

'[N]!? How is that possible?' Aether's eyes widened in shock.

"Since you've gotten a hold of the arefect, you've managed to grow a sort of... connection to it. You're now able to communicate with me like a walkie-talkie! Also, depending on how close you are to the artefact, the louder my voice is! Only you can communicate with me like this though." [N] explained.

'Woah... that's incredible...' Aether thought and [N] giggled.

"That's not even the best part! It'll be a big surprise!" [N] expressed eagerly.

'If you say so... can't wait to see what you're going to show m--' Aether remarks, but a hand abruptly pulled his hair, cutting him off.

"Ow!! Paimon, what was that for?!" The blonde angrily shrieked as he massages his swore scalp at where his hair was pulled at.

"Paimon had to get you're attention! You kept on staring with your heads up in the clouds - Paimon's loud screams and constant poking didn't even get your attention." The little fairy explained herself and Aether groaned.

"Sorry about that... just don't go pulling my hair like that again." Aether warned.

Paimon cheekily grinned. "No promises!"


Aether and Paimon were now traveling on a road to Sumeru. During the whole travel, [N] has been talking to him none stop, but the young boy's chatter unexpectedly came to a stop when Aether was nearing a Hilichurl campsite.


"Hold on a moment... I think I found what I'm looking for! Go to that campsite!" Demanded [N].

'What? Why?'

"Trust me, there's something suuuper important there! I'm bajillion percent sure of it!"

'If you say so...'

"Hey Paimon, let's go over to that Hilichurl camp over there. [N] wants to go check it out." Aether says as he pointed to said campsite.

"Huh? Have you found a way to communicate with [N] while conscious? That's amazing! How does it work?" Paimon questions.

"He can communicate with me through my mind. Depending on how close or far I am from the artefact." Aether explained.

"Incredible! But, why does [N] want to head over to that specific Hilichurl camp?" Asked Paimon.

"Apparently there's something extremely important there, and we need to search for it." Aether states.

Paimon's eyes instantly gleamed. "What if it's some ancient treasure or something? We have to go take a look and see what it is! C'mon!"

Paimon flies off towards the camp with Aether following after.


· ●{*}● ·


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