Vengeful King

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"I don't know what happened, I never ment for this to happen. I've accepted it." Tanjiro said.

"Tanjiro, I shouldn't have saved you that night." Saburo said.

"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have! My death would have been quick! I wouldn't have suffered!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Tanjiro, you're not yourself. Why?" Saburo asked.

Tanjiro just stared at him, Saburo looked into his eyes, those glowing red eyes.

"Shinsetsu, we're leaving." Tanjiro said.

"Yes, master." Shinsetsu agreed.

Tanjiro was walking unusually fast, even Shinsetsu was having trouble catching up.

"Master, is something wrong?" Shinsetsu asked.

"Stupid human. What does he know?" Tanjiro said to himself. "It's all his fault, all his fault I'm a demon."

"Master!" Shinsetsu yelled.

Tanjiro stopped.

"Hmm?" He questioned.

"Are you okay?" Shinsetsu asked. "You always seem to have a lot on your mind."

"Well, Muzan is in my head and he talks to me, so that's something." Tanjiro joked.

"Master, you're not okay, I know that." Shinsetsu said.

"Shinsetsu, you're right, I'm not okay..." Tanjiro admitted.

"When I was human things seemed, more or less, okay, I had...humanity." Tanjiro said. "But now...I don't have that and...I think-I think i'm a monster..."

"Master, you're not a monster, please don't say that." Shinsetsu said.

"But I am, Shinsetsu, i've done horrible things...and-and I think I should go back to my old friends." Tanjiro retorted.

"If that's what you want, but I don't think you should give up without a fight." Shinsetsu told him.

"Yeah..." Tanjiro said, his eyes glowing brighter. "Yeah, they've caused me unimaginable pain! I might as well get a little bit of revenge!"

"Master, what if they have the antidote to Muzan's cells?" Shinsetsu asked.

"It'll be fine as long as I fight with my full power." Tanjiro said, an insane look in his eyes.

"Okay, just, maybe, don't kill anyone..." Shinsetsu adviced.

"I'll kill as many as it takes to exact my revenge!" Tanjiro laughed.

Shinsetsu was worried.

330 words, this was two pages long

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