Lost control

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Tanjiro was still starving, all he had eaten was four human fingers, his strength was being drained to stop the medicine from working.
"Soon I won't be able to speak...or control myself." Tanjiro thought.
The medicine was making him nauseous, it was unbearable. he dug his claws into his face drawing blood, when Shinsetsu walked into the room he saw Tanjiro hunched over with blood dripping from in between his fingers.
"Master?!" He said nervously.
Tanjiro put his hands down and growled.
"It's me, Shinsetsu." Shinsetsu told him.
Tanjiro tilted his head and walked on all fours over to Shinsetsu. Tanjiro did as a cat might do and went back and forth in between Shinsetsu's legs sniffing him.
"Master?" Shinsetsu said,confused.
Tanjiro put a hand on the wall and stood, he opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't. Tanjiro went to the other room and grabbed some paper then came back. He began to write...

I am unable to speak, I need food or I'll be unable to control myself. I no longer have the strength to hunt. I trust you so you can have my blood to withstand the sun. Please, find food.

"Yes, sir!" Shinsetsu said after reading.
Tanjiro grabbed Shinsetsu's arm and scratched him then he cut his own finger, dripping some blood into Shinsetsu's wound.
"Thank you, sir." Shinsetsu said.
After Shinsetsu left Tanjiro layed down and closed his eyes, he seemed to be standing on flesh in the middle of nowhere.
"Wha-" Tanjiro began to say.
His hand flew to his mouth.
"I can speak again?" He thought.
"Yes, you can." Said a voice from the ground.
"Who?" Tanjiro asked.
"Someone you hated, think about it." The voice said.
"Yushiro? No. Tamayo? No." Tanjiro thought.
"MUUUUUZAAAAAN!" He screamed.
"Yes." Muzan said.
Muzan formed himself out of the flesh. Tanjiro bared his fangs at Muzan.
"Now, now, don't get angry." Muzan said. "I see you're still in control."

"What do you mean?" Tanjiro said.
"You'll see." Muzan said.
"Tell me!" Tanjiro snapped.
"Fine, once you wake up I'll be able to take control. Meaning you'll be stuck here while I'm controlling your body." Muzan explained.
"Just don't hurt Shinsetsu." Tanjiro said.
"That demon who helped you?" Muzan asked.
"Yes." Replied Tanjiro.
"Fine, Shinsetsu is safe." Muzan begrudgingly said.
When Tanjiro opened his eyes there was a knocking on the door. Shinsetsu came into the room.
"The food is in the other room, Tanjiro-sama." He said.
Tanjiro blinked and he was back in that strange place. One of his eyes and a arm seemed to be missing. He looked down at his hand, his nails were shorter, what was going on? He put his to his mouth mouth but he couldn't feel his fangs.
"am I human?" He thought.
Muzan went to were Shinsetsu said the food was.
"Tanjiro really needs to eat more." He thought.

There was the upper half of a human body laying on the floor. He sniffed the air. "Mareachi..." he thought.

cough! cough! Tanjiro smelled something intoxicating all around him, it choked him. He fell down and tore at the fleshy ground. The smell was like blood but worse. He covered his mouth and closed his eye tightly. When Tanjiro opened his eyes he was sitting on the floor with half a human body in front of him.
"Mareachi?" Tanjiro thought.
He was just about to eat it when something stopped him. He was now in front of a river, the one outside the eye. This made him remember sleeping on a train for some reason.
He looked around and said; "Muzan?"
"No, this is somewhere else." He thought.
He sniffed the air but there was no smell. He walked to the of the dock and dipped a hand in the water. Something grabbed his hand pulling him in. This was like when he fell asleep on that train.

He was staring at himself but himself from the past.
"Let go of me!" Tanjiro said.
"Not until you come to your senses!" The other one said back.
"If I don't eat I won't be able to!" Tanjiro yelled.
"Look at yourself! Is this what you want?" The other asked.
Tanjiro stopped struggling.
"I-I don't know, i would have died otherwise." He said.
"But you never cared about that!" The other pointed out. 
Tanjiro closed his eyes wanting to go back. When he opened them he was in a forest, it was cold. He sat down in the snow, a sword that was blacker than obsidian lay next to him. He lay a hand on on it, so many memories came into his head, it hurt. He knew what to do with it just not if he could anymore.
"Hinokami kagura." He thought. "I'm a demon, can I use it?"
"You'll have to try." Said the other Tanjiro.
Tanjiro picked up the sword and took a deep breath.
Sun breathing: first form: dance! After doing this Tanjiro sat back down in the snow.
"I did it!" He said.
"Just don't use it for demon stuff, okay?" The other Tanjiro asked.
"I'm not going to listen to you." Tanjiro snapped.

He was back in front of the body.
"Finally, I can eat." He thought.
He ate as fast as he could so he regain his strength sooner. Tanjiro walked outside to where Shinsetsu was.
"Hello, Shinsetsu." He said.
"Master! You're okay!" Shinsetsu said happily.
"Yes, and I've remembered something helpful." Tanjiro said.
"What is it, Tanjiro-sama?" Shinsetsu asked.
"Sun breathing." Tanjiro replied.
"right, master used to be a demon slayer. I wonder why he became a demon. Maybe I can ask him." Shinsetsu thought.
"M-master, you were a demon slayer, right?" Shinsetsu asked.
"Yes." Tanjiro replied.
"What made you become a demon?" Shinsetsu asked nervously.
Tanjiro looked back to when he was not in control, he had been human and missing a eye and arm. There was a sharp pain in his head as he remembered his last moments as a human.
"Uhm...I did not choose to become a demon." Tanjiro said.
"Oh..." Shinsetsu said.
"Don't pity me!" Tanjiro said angrily...

1024 words, this was six pages long

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