Chapter 2 S3~ Great Grand Dragon of the East

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Ao Guang~ And now I learn it has been lost? You have given the evil lady bone demon exactly what she needs to destroy us all! I should execute where you STAND.

Mei~ I thought you said he was your friend!

Mei whispered towards wukong.

Mk~ he knows about the lady bone demon?

Mk whisper.

Tang~ what are we going to do!

Tang whisper while panicking.

Sun~ relax, I got this.

Wukong whisper back.

Sun~ maybe you forgot, I am the great sage-

The dragon move forward to hit wukong in the chest.

YN~ oh.. That's not good.

Ao Guang~ do not try to fool me a second time, tricker! I can sense your weakness, your power is all but consumed.

The guards jump and surround mk and his friends.

The cat sigh.

YN~ hey.. Ao Guang..

Ao Guang looks over to y/n

Ao Guang~ are you here to visit me, or trick me like this monkey.

YN~ none, but hey... Let's all calm-

Ao Guang~ Y/N you are coming with me.

The dragon comes closer to y/n as guards hold them.

Mei~ Y/N!

Mei pulled out her dragon blade as Ao Guang eyes widen

Ao Guang~ HALT! Where did you get that.

Ao Guang points at the blade.

Mei~ uhm.. It's mine? My family's?

Ao Guang~ I know this blade, it belonged to my brother, the dragon of the West... You mean to tell me you are a descendant of Ao Ji?

Mei frown as she nodded.

Mk~ Uh.. Mister dragon of the east, sorry to interrupt this little family.. Whatever is it, but you know about the lady bone demon, what's she capable of. We can stop her! We just need-

The dragon opened its mouth at mk, as mk closed his eyes.

The dragon ate mk, but only took the scroll instead of actually eating mk.

Mk looked in his palm where the scroll used to be.

Mk~ Hey!

The dragon sat beside Ao Guang as it handed the scroll to Ao Guang.

Ao Guang~ You would tell me how to protect my people? When you have unleashed this blight back into the world!

Ao Guang yelled at mk who had tears in his eyes.

Mk~ Wow, okay, fresh wound, just gonna let that bounce off me.

 Moony Kitty    ~~   !Yandere!  LMK x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ