059 - Really Got Me

592 9 3

You Really Got Me - The Kinks


Y/N's POV:

"Boss, they're here" Cleo calls as she walks us into the house we're at.

It's honestly a little like the Chateau, except in a completely different country and instead of a beach there's a whole ass jungle.

We walk outside to see Sarah on a couch by herself, looking slightly distressed.


"Hey, found your boyfriend and his little friend" Cleo tells Sarah.

Sarah looks over to us and I can tells that we're in for it.

I push John b in front of me so that he's forced to talk to her first.

"Hey, listen" He tries, "I just-"

Sarah stands up and shoves John b backwards forcefully, "Liar!" She shouts.

Ohh yeah get it girl!

As JB is stumbling back he knocks into Stubbs, I remember him from the boat. Stubbs holds John b up by the neck.

He gasps and tries to claw Stubbs' hands off of him.

"I wouldn't provoke him. It tends not to go so well" 

I turn around to the voice behind us, only to see Terrance.

What the fuck do they want from us?

"You can run but you can't hide John b"

John b gasps and reaches his hands up to Stubbs' face, trying to poke and pry as he struggles to breathe.

Stubbs let's him go and he sputters and coughs for air.

"I got eyes and ears everywhere" Terrance continues.

Stubbs pats John b on the face lightly, taunting him.

It's quite funny actually.

I laugh loudly as Stubbs pulls him forward and sends JB flying onto the couch.

Terrance points to me, "I missed you girlie, you're a funny one"

I smile and John b grunts as he sits up.

"Took you long enough" Terrance says to Cleo

"Next time get them yourself" She claps back.

I take a seat carefully next to Sarah on the couch, her glare burning holes into the back of my head.

"After all our hospitality, you left without sayin' goodbye" Terrance says to us, taking a seat next to a groaning John b on the couch

"Well you did sorta snitch on us to the cops, and that wasn't cool dude" I tut him

"Let us go" Sarah says

"I got 50,000 reasons why that ain't gonna happen" He says

"He didn't do anything" Sarah tells him

"Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. I don't care, we let the courts decide" He responds, Cleo laughs, "Bring him to the proper authorities"

"What are you talkin' about" JB asks. I flinch slightly as Stubbs grabs onto JB by his bag and stands him up, "Hey, no, no. Listen, listen. I can pay. I can pay you" John b says as he gets shoved back by Stubbs.

Oh John Booker you stupid fuck.

"You got 50K in your back pocket? If not, bye bye" Terrance says.

John b slowly takes his bag off his shoulders.

Liar - JJ Maybank x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now