"macau! pete! turn off the game now!" vegas yelled in the room so the two of them could hear him and finally realize he was there, the controllers went flying from their hands upon vegas's yell and they turned quickly to look at him shocked out of their skins "VEGAS!" "HIA!" they both yelled as they held their hearts "you scared us vegas,did you have to yell?" said pete as he patted macau on the back

" and how would you hear me with all this shouting game you two were at?" said vegas, hands on his waist "macau what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in your room studying or doing something else?"

" i came to play some video games with P, it's been so long since we last played i miss him" said macau as got up from the floor and sat beside pete on the bed as he looked adoringly at him, pete cooed at him and hugged him from the side " aww i miss you cau, i was bored alone vegas what do you want me to do when you're locking me up like this?" said pete looking judgingly at vegas

vegas huffed at his brother lover's childish behavior, sometimes he doubt Pete's age and question himself if he's doing someone younger than his brother, he often questioned if mental age should be considered more than the actual age pete has, because they were only 2 years apart but pete feels like a kindergartner alot of times " whatever, I'll go check somethings in my office, when I come back I'd rather have you back to your room Macau doing your homework" he waved his hand dismissively

Macau looked at Pete pouting, upon seeing his pout pete couldn't just send him back to his room after he kept him company for the whole noon period, so he patted his back and ushered at the controllers,both of them giggled as they went back to playing but silently this time.


vegas came back half an hour later to find them both the same way he left them, still playing together, eyes fully focused on the game in front of them, he sighed and waited a couple of seconds for them to realize his presence but they were both so engrossed in the game they didn't realize he was standing there staring at them, he sighed again and moved to the electricity switch and turned the TV screen of making their Jaws drop " what the hell vegas!!!"

"HIA!" whined macau but immediately shut up upon seeing his brother stern look " go study macau don't make me repeat my words again" upon the hard tone of his brother macau gathered some of his stuff that was laying around and stomped off to his room murmuring " you get to have him all day all night and when i want a few hours with him you get stern abd angry, you're so possessive brother i-" his murmurs disappeared with him as he went to his room arms filled with his stuff, pete and vegas watched him leave like this, pete turned to vegas with a pout once macau left " don't! have you eaten yet?" the pout didn't go away and vegas didn't receive an answer, he tried to ignore the pouting face as much as possible reminding himself that after few months from now he's going to face double of this when the baby comes and he can't give in to pouts easily or the house will be in chaos.

"pete" vegas voice had a warning in it, so pete huffed out an answer to avoid getting vegas angry, he was getting on his nerves enough "yes i had lunch with macau as we played"

" did you eat lunch or did you just had snacks" said vegas as he pushed an empty lay's chips bag from the floor, pete grimced as he looked at all the trash he and Macau have left on the floor " I'll call the maids to clean up, did you have lunch yet?" said pete as he got up from the bed and reached inside vegas's pants pocket to pull his phone out to call out one of the guards for the clean up, he purposely touched here and there while reaching for the cellphone just to feel up vegas, he was feeling naughty all of the sudden, heat raising up in his body for no apparent reason,vegas raised an eyebrow when he smelled the pheromones going off in the room, he didn't comment on it though and only stared at pete as he felt his way through vegas's body.

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