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When Louis got home, he fell onto his bed and began processing what just happened. He was angry at himself for not asking Harry for his number. So he went downstairs and asked his mum.

"Can I have Harry's number?"

"You want his number? I thought you don't like talking to him? Yet here you are being all clingy!" Jay said.

"Yeah well... he's decent. And I'm not clingy, mum"

"Oh well you seem to like him enough to talk to him only minutes after leaving his house."

"Yeah okay I like him. Can you please just give me his number?"

"Eager boy."

Jay put Harry's phone number on Louis' iPhone. Louis then bolted upstairs and into his room while Jay smiled at him. She could tell as soon as Harry opened the door that Louis had an instant crush on him. Seeing his wide eyes and fiddling fingers were dead giveaways. She had a feeling something like this would happen.

Louis sat in bed and started to type out a text to Harry, feeling nervous as to what he should say.

Louis: Hi. It's me Louis :)

He then waited for Harry to respond which didn't take long at all.

Harry: Hey Louis! Sorry I forgot to give you my number

Louis: That's ok. I just felt like talking to you

Harry: You're adorable. What're you up to?

Louis blushed big time.

Louis: Nothing. I'm pretty bored without you :(

Harry: Aw. I know you're blushing right now. Would you want to hangout tomorrow? I can take you to the cinema if you'd like?

Louis: Sure! What movie?

Harry: I was thinking the new Spider-Man. The No Way Home one. I'll pick you up around 3:00 and then we can chill at my place for a bit how does that sound?

Louis had a bright smile spread across his face.

Louis: Yeah that sounds great. I'll see you then.

Harry: See you then. And Louis?

Louis: Ya?

Harry: Breath next time. You were sweating this morning, Lou

Crap, Louis thought. He noticed.

Louis: Yeah alright I will. Bye

At dinner, Louis sat across from his mom, enjoying his lasagne.

"So um Harry is taking me to the cinema tomorrow at 3:00 if that's alright?"

"A date huh? Well that was fast!"

"No mum! Not a date. Not even close."

"But you like him like that, don't you? And don't lie to me."

Louis took a big breath and said "Well... I guess he is good looking like you said. But he just likes me as a friend. He could even have a boyfriend for all I know."

" No, hun. I can assure you he is single and ready to mingle."

"Ew... don't say that."

"But I'm serious. He told me he broke up with his boyfriend a couple of weeks ago and that he feels lonely now. It's like he's waiting for you, Boo."

"Sure he is. I'll just see how things go I guess."

The next afternoon Louis was sitting on his couch playing on his Nintendo when he heard the doorbell ring. He panicked and checked the time, finding out it was only 1:00! Why was he this early? Louis skipped to the front door and opened it, expecting a tall and hot Harry, but it was only a blonde Niall looking like a doofus on his porch.

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