"Tyler, I'm so sorry I pressured you into having sex with me!" Tyranny said, tears in her eyes. "I shouldn't hav-!"

"No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about..." Tyler said. "I could've just said no much more firmly, but I chose to have sex with you instead... And, you know what?" He collapsed to his knees and gripped onto Tyranny's arms. "I'm in love with you!!" He screamed, uncontrollable tears pouring from his eyes.

"Tyler, calm down!" Tyranny pleaded, kneeling down in front of Tyler.

"I can't!" Tyler cried. "I've been in love with you ever since I first saw you!! But, I knew I could never be with you cause you've been with so many other people! People only love you for your looks! I love you for you! You're cool, kind, and thoughtful! But, me?! I'm just a lowly comic book artist who doesn't get ANY support from my Dad! He hates my skills and he NEVER supports me!! But, I'm getting off topic! I love you for you! Not for your looks! For YOU!!"

Tyranny was speechless. She couldn't figure out what to say to Tyler. She was unable to say it out loud, but she had feelings for him too. She just couldn't admit it to herself.

".................I love you too..." She said much to Tyler's surprise.

"Y-you do?!" Tyler cried.

"Yes." Tyranny nodded. "I do. That's why we............did what we did back at the dungeon. Because I had feelings for you. And, I've never felt this way with ANYone. Not even the people I had sex with."

"Then, WHY did you do it?" Tyler asked. Tyranny shook in anxiety.

"What? What's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"................I was raped." Tyranny cried, causing Tyler to gasp. "A couple years ago, I was approached by three astronauts. They kidnapped me and gang raped me. Since then, all I could think about was what they did to me and the trauma they induced onto me. I had sex with martians on Mars, this planet, and eventually, people on Earth. And, I couldn't stop doing it! I was a fucking sex addict!" She began to cry and all Tyler could do was stare in horror. "Ever since then, I couldn't lead my people on Mars anymore." She continued, tears rolling down her eyes. "I stepped down as queen and moved to Earth so I could.........you know.."

Tyler didn't speak for a couple seconds. He was speechless. He didn't know if he should be sad or angrier than last time. But, he knew what he had to say.

"I'm.........sorry, Tyranny." He said. "I had no idea you were raped. If I knew, I wouldn't have.... God, I'm such a prick!"

"I'm sorry too." Tyranny said. "I never took the time to decide what I want and only focused on what OTHER people wanted. I......need to start thinking for myself... And, Tyler................I love you very much."

"I love you too, Tyranny." Tyler said, as he was about to kiss Tyranny, but he stopped himself. "Sorry. I didn't-"

"No, it's okay." Tyranny said. "I don't have a mouth, but you can still kiss me. And, I''ll kiss back."

Tyler smiled and he and Tyranny shared a slow kiss.

"Whoa!" Tyler gasped, gently pulling away from the kiss. "That was.............wonderful...."

"Yes, it was." Tyranny agreed.

"Wait, are you smiling?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, I am." Tyranny said happily. "Very much so."

"Well, you won't be smiling for long." A voice said. "It's been a while, hasn't it, my dear?"

Tyranny and Tyler stood up, turned around, and saw three astronauts standing in front of the space zombies.

Lost On Mercury (rated NC-17)Where stories live. Discover now