The Winter Nightmare

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Steve's POV:
"I am detecting someone at the door" I hear Jarvis say
"Sir they are hacking my systems" the AI says
"Call the others immediately, tell them to suit up and go to the bottom floor" I say
"Right away sir" it replies

Alice's POV:
I walk into the tower, my new suit, my goal clear. For a rich guy Stark didn't invest alot in security. I hear Jarvis call the others, perfect. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. I wait for them to come- arms crossed, no emotion, tail swishing.

Finally, I see the Avengers. I smile slightly
"I'm back!" I say
I look at each one of them, finally viewing Bucky- his eyes are red, he's been crying
"Aww, Buck. I'm sorry, did I make you sad" I out then laugh
Nat walks towards me
"Alice..." she says
I pull out my gun and point it at her
"Steve, something is wrong with her" I hear Bucky say
"What did Hydra do to you Alice?" Steve asks
"Whilst I was gone, they found a new experiment they wanted to try on someone. Of course I signed up" I laugh
"Oh my god Alice why?" Bucky says
"I'm sorry, why are we talking?" I say

I fire shots at all of them, Clint is shot.
"How pathetic" I say
I easily take Natasha down and I targeted Sam. He was in the air so I transformed into a raven grabbed one of his wings and transformed back into myself. He came crashing down and I ripped off his right wing
"Alice stop this!" Bucky shouts as I head to Vision
"She is dead! There is no Alice!" I shout and pull out my knife
"What are you talking about?" He says
"I killed her" I stab my knife through Vision's stomach. It wont kill him but he wont be able to fight. Wanda runs over to Vision- she will be too preoccupied to fight me. I then head for Bruce, he is the Hulk so I pull out a new knife since a bullet wont pierce him. He runs towards me and as I move to the side I stab him, he crashes into the wall; unconscious.

The only two left is Bucky and Steve. They will be harder to take down but I'll be fine. I pull out my gun and shoot 3 times. 2 of the bullets hit Steve and I punch him whilst he's clutching his side. He stumbles back and I punch him in the face. He throws his shield at me and I catch it and throw it at Wanda. She is now unconscious. I grab my knives and attempt to stab Rogers, he dodges all but one and I get him in the shoulder, he staggers back and pulls the knife out, I quickly punch him and he falls to the ground. One left.

"Alice please can we just talk about this?" Bucky says as I walk towards him
"I told you, there is no Alice" I reply
"Yes, there is. I know there is an Alice Barnes somewhere in you" he says. I pick up Cap's shield and chuck it at Bucky
"I really dont wanna hurt you" he says
"Longing" I say
I punch him in the stomach and I grab his arm and twists it
"Rusted" I continue
He's trying to ignore me but he knows what I'm doing
"One" I whisper whilst tripping him over. He falls to the floor and I pin him to the floor
"Freight cart" I say
"Stop!" He shouts

Suddenly I'm held tight by something. Wanda walks infront of me and helps Bucky up, she's using her magic on me
"Fuck you" is all i say, then I pass out.

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