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I woke up in a cell, my plan worked. The cuffs were no longer on my hands, they must think this cell is secure. There is a mirror on one side of the room. I'm not an idiot, I know people are watching. I wave at the mirror.

A few seconds later Captain America walks into the room, if there wasn't a glass wall keeping us apart he would be dead already.
"What's your name?" He asks me
I stayed silent
"Not telling me that? OK. How long have you been with Hydra?" He tried again
"я ничего тебе не говорю " (I'm not telling you anything) I death stare at him
"I don't know what that means but I don't think that is your name. You know, I really thought we could cooperate, we raided the base you were in by the way, and we took your files"
Whatever. I don't care what they know about me. In the end I'll probably be killing most of them. He walked out.

I think it's about 6 or 7pm because this kid walked in with a plate of food.
"Hey, ummm I'm Peter Parker. I bought you some food, Steve said he would do it but I wanted to see what you were like" he said
He looked at the plate, then at me.
"Um so if I open this door you won't try and kill me, right?" He says
I nod, for some reason I like this kid- for now. He opens the door and walks towards me, a bit too close
"Держись подальше " (stay back) I say and stepped away
"I don't understand you but I'm assuming you dont want me near you, I'm sorry" he puts the plate down and steps back. I walk towards the plate and pick it up
"They were gonna give you something boring, but I thought that um you would want something nicer, so I stole some from the kitchen" he smiled
I decided to speak, he was nice. Maybe I should earn their trust to make myself less suspicious
"Why would you trust a murderer?" I ask
"We trusted Bucky, now he's one of us. I believe we could help you" he replied
I took a bite into my food. My eyes widened
"You like it?" He asks
I nod
"Wait. Bucky is here?" I say
"You know Bucky?" He asks
"We did missions together when he was one of us" I reply
"One of us?" He asks
"A soldier- the winter soldier" I say between mouthfuls
"Oh. I can see if I could get him to see you. To make you more comfortable?" He asks. He's really nice
"That.. would be nice, but I don't remember him that much. Hydra does something to me" I say quietly
"I know, I remember when Bucky came here. He had the same problem" there was a long pause
"Hey um, what is your name?" He asks gently
"No idea" I've only just noticed that. Hydra calls me only by my code name
"Well, since Bucky is the Winter Soldier, do you have a code name thingy?" He asks
"You are smart for a kid" I say
"And your good at speaking English for a foreigner" he laughs.
"I'm called the Winter Nightmare" I say. And I'm proud of it.
He gasps
"I-I can't be here. Y-you are the best one of them.  I have to go, I'm sorry" he stands up and leaves.

Hydra's MurdererWhere stories live. Discover now