My Amethyst

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It was nothing but divine knowledge. Each night you appeared in my dreams and overwhelmed me with the pleasures I sought for. A million times I wondered if you were real. After all, you only came at night.
But then, your angelic voice echoed in my ears to wake up. It felt almost true that I eagerly opened my eyes to see the face of the God sent angel who came to my aid every night. *Shatters.* My heart sank when I saw you were nothing but a sinful dream.

Tonight he's looming over me. I know he's not real, but his fingers lightly trailing along the contours of my legs are proving otherwise. Why won't he say something at least? I kept asking myself. My heart was beating really fast. I needed air to breathe but everywhere felt suddenly hot.
Steady breathing. I wanted my eyes to open but they just won't listen. Why? Why was this happening to me? Why wasn't he going away? And why couldn't I stop imagining things?🤦‍♀️

His fingers caressed my cheeks tenderly and I could have sworn I was going to burst with want.
"Tezznin..." I heard a whisper.
"Tezznin..." I heard it again.
He was calling out to me but I wasn't going to fall this time. HE WAS NOT REAL!!😑
"Tezznin..My amethyst. Please open your eyes." His angelic voice sounded pleadingly.
My solid wall was slowly crumbling and I could not help but stay so still. It was all nothing but a torment, yet in a sweet way. I felt tired. Restless and desperate that I hesitantly gave in.
My eyes fluttered open hesitantly, awaiting a view of nothingness but for the first time, I saw what I never imagined.

He was there, blending into the dark yet sinfully beautiful like none other.
"What....what do you want...want from me?" I stammered.

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