CHAPTER 5: An Uncomfortable Conversation PART A

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The overwhelmed and hurt group try to speak and hear each other out-- some are more willing than others. 


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"AND ALL THREE PROTAGONIST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET THEIR NARRATOR EXPLAIN," the Narrator said voice booming just like that, all three in front of him were rendered mute.

Maybe that was a terrible choice actually scratch that it most definitely was a terrible choice, Jack lunged at him, and all three glared at him. he was lucky Jim had grabbed Jack to keep him away from throwing more punches.

"Now-- are we all ready to listen to what I have to say?" The Narrator said

There was no verbal response from the other three, they all had an expression that can only be described and read as 'the audacity this man has-'

The Narrator sighed "It's best we take this to the employee lounge at least there you can sit- maybe on the walk there you'll all be calmed enough to actually listen to me" He added

The narrator's protagonists side-eyed each other 'Is he being for real right now?' being a common thought in all of them

'unbelievable' Jim thought as he rolled his eyes in disbelief at the narrator's immaturity, he had to tug at Jack's arms again as he was about to pounce 

'please shut up  already you dickwad' Stanley thought, simply crossing his arms annoyed

Given the Narrator was talking like it was all their fault, then again he is like that when he doesn't get listened to or does not get his way, none of the things the narrator said is making them any more inclined of forgiving his sorry ass. 

"come on. . ." The Narrator said the door of Stanley's office creaked as it slowly opened for the trio.

Jim walked towards the door turning and slowly walked to the lounge, Stanley takes one more look at the narrator before he too marched off to the lounge nursing a hurt expression. 

Jack of course growled and shoved past the Narrator storming after the other two. 

The doors of Stanley's closed with the Narrator anyone in the room, he exhaled deeply.

He was reeling, his thoughts, his emotions finally catching up to him he felt tears in his eyes and he could not find it in himself to stop. 

They're both alive, after all this time.

all that time he thought he had lost them forever. 

He felt his knees grow weak, he leaned against the closed door as he sunk to the floor.

He tried to wipe away the tears but they just kept coming 

He felt guilty for not trying harder to find them, Jim and Jack

and why?  because he couldn't for the life of him retrieve Jim's codes? because he thought Jim must have been gone, his muse scrapped off his beloved world?  Logically he knows it made no sense to search for Jim's when there was not a single code or speck of snow or pixel that was linked to them, he searched high and low for anything that looked similar to their codes, he looked at every single layer of the parables code he could get his hands on, from the base codes to every single patch he had added. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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