CHAPTER 4: Just Painful Memories

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contains violence and assault

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"I'll think about it" Jack heard the narrator say as he ran out.

He can hear Jim right behind him and he pushed a door open, he sees someone on the cargo lift.
Curly fluffy hair and a dorky ass smile.
Jack watched as Stanley rode on the cargo lift.

The Narrator's lines playing in the background Stanley was contemplating humping off the lift to go to the two doors room just to annoy The Narrator but the zending briefly flashing in his mind made him absolutely not want to.

"There's someone you've been neglecting, Stanley--" There was a pause he had dropped his glasses "Pardon me Stanley I dropped my glasses hold on"

Stanley chuckled as he heard that, he looked back to the platform on the other side he was but a few seconds away, he was going to step out off the lift but he was caught off guard by both Jack and Jim literally in front of him

He stared at the two in front of him

'Did Narry make new mannequins. . .but they look so realistic-- no no that's the wrong word for it. . .they look alive. . . ' Stanley thought

Just then when Jack moved closer and Stanley took a step back on the lift

'what the hell-' he thought confused a billion thoughts running inside his head if this was the surprise it was a terribly unfunny joke

He can hear The narrator fumbling about looking for his glasses, he hears the table move a few times faintly barely there.

" Please, stop trying to make every decision by yourself."

He can hear the Narrator move his seat as well as his sort of hitting his head under the table.

He just stared down at Jack and Jim. He looked at the two frantically keeping his eyes on them.

The lift sort of hung steady a whole 2 feet away from the platform so he was relatively save from Jack's hand that seem to twitch wanting to just do something. . . anything.

"ow-- This is it, Stanley. Your chance to redeem yourself. To put your work aside, to let her back into your life.

She's been waiting" The Narrator said the audible sound of the seat scratching the floor as he sat back down again

Stanley had zoned back into what the narrator was saying, why is he still doing his lines. . . can't he see what Stanley See. .

(maybe you should take your own advice) Came the distorted response from Jim.

[Narry did your surprise include making other employees?] He finally asked telepathically to the Narrator.

But the narrator's response of
"I-- this-- it can't be-- wait- I this- doesn't make--- what?" felt like a gut punch to Stanley. It was then that it finally sunk in that perhaps he was in genuine danger around those two.

 Stanley can hear the Narrator's confusion

[what do you mean can't be-- did you make them or not] Stanley's thoughts screamed to the narrator, he was terrified

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